A Quote by Jack Keane

The Pentagon is a series of wedges. So you have - the outer wedge has windows on the outside, and then inside of that, it has windows with an alleyway; then there's another wedge with windows outside, windows inside. And we call them the E Ring, the D Ring, the C Ring.
I bought Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1415926, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows RSVP, The Best of Windows, Windows Strikes Back, Windows Does Dallas, and Windows Let's All Buy Bill Gates a House the Size of Vermont.
Windows never planned for a VR device. When you plug a HDMI cable into the computer, Windows thinks it's a new monitor. The desktop blinks. It tries to rearrange windows and icons.
The point they (Lissitzky, Rodchenko, Tatlin, Gabo, the neo-Plasticists, and so on) all had in common was to be inside and outside at the same time. For me, to be inside and outside is to be in an unheated studio with broken windows in the winter, or taking a nap on somebody's porch in the summer.
The key is to be a personality outside of the ring and then bring that personality with you inside the ring.
Muhammad Ali inside the ring and Muhammad Ali outside the ring were totally different men; his abrasive, magnetic daring and infectious self-love outside the ring galvanized the world and distracted many from his sniper's precision. He was a heavyweight with the fluttering gracefulness of a middleweight.
I've got no desire to fight Dereck Chisora inside the ring or outside the ring.
I am a strong competitor inside the ring, outside the ring, in the journey through life.
I've been battle-tested inside the ring and outside the ring.
Bullfighting is anachronistic - you enter into a bullring and you're leaving behind the values of the world outside the ring. I suppose that what I would want to acknowledge is that perhaps the tension, the crucial tension, isn't necessarily between the view of bullfighting as a tradition versus as an art form, but between the values inside the ring and the values outside the ring.
We had the Windows app store in Windows 8, but one of the big changes in the design of Windows 10 is to make sure that the app store is front and center where our usage is, which is the desktop.
I have lived in other cities but been inside of only one. I once wore all the windows of Chicago and all its doorways on a key ring. Salons, mansions, alleys, courtrooms, depots, factories, hotels, police cells, the lake front, the rooftops and the sidewalks were my haberdashery.
I think sometimes that people are like onions. On the outside smooth and whole and simple but inside ring upon ring, complex and deep.
I've always said I have very good timing. It is underestimated when you are outside the ring but once you get inside the ring with me, I'm a step ahead.
I am awesome. I'm the most must-see WWE superstar: I'm proven inside the ring and outside the ring. I'm the best on the mic; I get the ratings.
My new house has a deck that wraps around my writing room; my writing room has many windows, and outside the windows I've hung bird feeders... for enticing different species. So I imagine I will be writing about that.
I want to do things that no one has ever done inside the ring and outside the ring as a boxer and further my career in the entertainment business after I'm done with boxing.
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