A Quote by Jack LaLanne

Living is like training for an athletic event. You have to have goals and challenges; you need to exercise and eat right. — © Jack LaLanne
Living is like training for an athletic event. You have to have goals and challenges; you need to exercise and eat right.
You can exercise vigorously and eat junk and get by. But you can't eat perfectly and not exercise. Look at many athletes today; they are human garbage cans. They eat anything, but they exercise so hard they burn it up. But why not exercise and put the right fuel in too?
My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I'm lazy and find that workouts cut into my drinking time.
To maintain good health, you need to exercise almost every day - 30 minutes is recommended, that's what I personally do - and you need to eat right.
Exercise and sports are greatly affected by what goes into the mind, and the mind is greatly affected by sports and exercise as well. This is true among exercisers at all levels, despite their different goals. A major element in mental training is visualization ... Visualizing a positive outcome can create a pattern of success, as long as you set realistic and specific goals.
There are so many health nuts out there who eat nothing but natural foods but they don't exercise and they look terrible. Then there are other people who exercise like a son-of-a-gun but eat a lot of junk... Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you've got a kingdom.
We need to set goals for ourselves. Start today...if you don't have any goals, make your first goal getting some goals. You probably won't start living happily ever after, but you may start living happily, purposefully, and with gratitude...Goals are gratitude in action. They give us the opportunity to build on what we already have. While achieving goals can be a lengthy process, we can learn to be grateful for each stage in the process of setting and meeting goals.
The most important person on this earth is you. What are you doing to help the most important person in this world: you? To live right, you have to exercise, have goals and challenges.
I need fiction like you need to eat or exercise.
Sitting around on your big fat gluteus maximus talking about the good old days. The good old days are right this second. You've got to exercise VIG-OR-OUSLY! Life is tough. Life is a challenge. Life is a battlefield... . Life is an athletic event, and you must train for it.
I train for about 25 to 30 hours a week so I need to eat a lot. You just need to have a generally healthy diet. You need to be eating foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. You need to make sure you eat properly in order to give yourself the best chance of performing and recovering from training and competing.
Reform, prosperity, and peace, these are major challenges to the United States of America. I don't think I need any on-the-job training. I'm ready to go at it right now.
I eat very healthy overall - but because of my weight, I need fast carbs, easy carbs. So maybe before a training session or after a training session, I eat what I want.
I would stay up till 3 A.M. playing Xbox or Playstation, go training at 8:30 A.M., go home and sleep and wake up at a crazy time like 7 P.M. and eat something ridiculous like a pizza and then get back on my computer. I was not living right and I wondered why I was not starting games.
If you eat right and you exercise and you get breast implants, you can look like us.
We're going to need a new social contract with the tech world one that asks for consent, and one with transparent goals. Right now, the goals of technology are not aligned with our goals as humans. We need technology that empowers us to make the life choices we want to make.
I will do anything to look like him - except, of course, exercise or eat right.
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