A Quote by Jack Nicklaus

Golf is a nice game, but that's all. It's never going to be an exciting game to watch on TV. It's not a circus and never will be one. The audience for golf is not going to change significantly. It's always going to be people who play it, understand it, and love it.
You're not going to tell me that you're going to find a person who's not a very good athlete and he or she is going to be a great player. But anyone can play the game. That's the nice thing about the game. You don't really have to be a world-class athlete to play the sport [golf] and have fun because of handicap systems.
Snooker's never going to be that. It's never going to be a worldwide game like tennis and golf. It's never going to happen.
Golf is a game of integrity. And golf is a game of forgiveness. I think the high standards of golf remind people of how lucky they are, or how fortunate they are, to be able to play the game.
I don't follow golf! I don't keep up with golf or know who is coming or going. I am just here to play the game and be done with it.
My passion for this game is never going to change. You're always going to see me have that fieriness to me. That's just the only way I know how to play this game and I love it for that because I get to release that energy and that passion, that anger that I have.
Everybody who plays top-level sport, whether it's golf or football, or whatever, needs to get into 'The Zone'... For me personally, on the morning of a round, preparation is always about getting into the zone. The less I communicate with other people, the better. I'm trying to rehearse in my mind what I am working on in my game: going through my swing keys, going through my putting keys. When I get to the course I get the pin positions for the day and I'll analyze those. I'll make a strategy for the golf course and look how I'm going to play it
There is no king of golf. Never has been, never will be. Golf is the most democratic game on Earth... It punishes and exalts us all with splendid equal opportunity.
I found that golf saved me from going to the pub every day, so instead, I play golf with other unemployed actors. I'm a member of the Stage Golfing Society, and I play golf with all sorts of people.
I found that golf saved me from going to the pub every day so instead I play golf with other unemployed actors. I'm a member of the Stage Golfing Society and I play golf with all sorts of people.
That's the great thing about golf is you never know who is going to win. On good, tough golf courses, it brings it back to the best players. But it's always the best player that week is going to win. I mean, so it could be anybody.
Since I was a small boy, I was always around the game. I don't play golf much myself, but I love watching it. My father has played golf all his life.
Summer I was 13, my grandfather and my father taught me how to play golf. I took lessons that summer, and I played every day that summer. I probably would've kept playing, except I realized that girls don't watch golf; they watch tennis. So I let my golf game go dormant and started playing tennis.
The Lord has blessed me to play this game. I'm going to try to play it as long as I can. But at the same time, I want to be able to watch my kids grow up, so I've gotten to where I'm a little more mild, and I don't take golf as seriously as I did in the earlier years of my career.
I'm not going to lie, I love TV. I watch a ton of it - golf, HGTV, football.
I'm never going to stop because I had a bad game. I'm never going to stop because somebody thinks that I can't do something. I'm going to always play the way I feel I should play, because I wouldn't have got to here if I felt like I couldn't.
I always knew I wanted to play golf and go to college. I try hard to be a positive role model, especially on the golf course. I try to carry myself well, and don't do anything outrageous. I try to play the game like a gentleman and give everyone respect. That's how the game should be played.
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