A Quote by Jackie Shroff

Documentary is reality. It shows the truth. — © Jackie Shroff
Documentary is reality. It shows the truth.
Maybe every two films you need to do documentary to tell what you really want to tell and not be limited by the medium. With documentary you don't create the reality you have to hunt the reality.
I hate reality shows. It's funny because me and my wife be arguing all the time about reality shows 'cause she loves reality shows and watches them all day, all the time. And I be like, 'C'mon. No. No.'
Any documentary; any capturing of a non-fiction event, is a hyper-realistic condensation of reality that hopefully reveals an emotional truth. It's never the actual literal truth of an event.
I'm a huge fan of the Ken Burns documentary style, big time. I love documentaries full stop. I'm a big documentary fan. That's my reality. I don't like reality TV. I like it like that.
I think I love fiction shows more than the reality shows. I have been offered many shows, but I don't think I am tailored for reality TV.
A lot of the times, reality shows don't like people to break the fourth wall. With a docu-series or a documentary, everyone breaks the fourth wall because you're talking to the camera quite a bit.
It's difficult to make movies. For me it was easier, as a refugee in Switzerland, to make documentary films, because I didn't need a lot of money for it. The way I tell my story or my opinion would be very similar in both fiction and documentary forms. But I found I could speak more effectively to convey this brutal reality through documentary than I could through fiction.
The 'Real World Challenges' were amazing. However, Hollywood, back when I was on reality shows, did not like reality shows.
When television became popular, reality shows started coming up and with such reality shows, people got a platform to show their talent.
I need there to be documentary photographers, because my work is meta-documentary; it is a commentary about the documentary use of photography.
If you're a great documentary filmmaker, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're a great narrative filmmaker. There are fantastic documentary filmmakers that can't direct actors. You don't have to do that in a documentary, if it's a real documentary.
Most people look at a feature film and say, "It's just a movie." For me there is no border or wall between fiction and documentary filmmaking. In documentaries, you have to deal with real people and their real feelings - you are working with real laughter, happiness, sadness. To try to reflect the reality is not the same as reality itself. That's why I think that making a good documentary is much harder than making a good feature film.
Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather truth spelled with a capital 'T.' Truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality - and the intellectual holding of that total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth.
We have got offered some shows in America, but really dopey shows - like reality shows.
Most 'reality' shows aren't reality at all. They're game shows with no prize. Like 'Rock of Love.' His aren't genuine feelings. Then again, Bob Barker didn't really care whether or not you won the toaster. Sorry to shatter everyone's dreams.
You watch these reality shows and say, 'Oh, I would do that, except for eating all the gross stuff.' These reality shows are like everyone's little guilty pleasure. To have an opportunity to be on one, why not? Anybody who says, 'No, I don't want to be on one' is kind of lying in the back of their heads.
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