A Quote by Jacky Rosen

There are plenty of ways we can work together to improve the ACA, but destroying the law and leaving Americans at risk is unacceptable. — © Jacky Rosen
There are plenty of ways we can work together to improve the ACA, but destroying the law and leaving Americans at risk is unacceptable.
We need to work together to strengthen protections for pre-existing conditions and improve upon the gains made under the ACA, not tear it down.
Democrats stand ready and willing to work with President Trump to improve upon the ACA - but we will not sit by and watch him sabotage the health care of millions of Americans.
The ACA - popularly known as 'Obamacare' - has been an important step forward toward an admirable goal: providing access to health insurance for all Americans. But like many reforms generated by the political process, the ACA is problematic.
As I have always said, the ACA is not without flaws, and I welcome the opportunity to improve the law to make healthcare more affordable and ensure every American has quality health insurance.
I will not negotiate the demise of the ACA with the Trump administration, but I would certainly be willing to work with responsible Republicans to fix some of the problems, particularly by strengthening the individual purchasers market to bring younger and healthier people into the risk pool.
People can tolerate two homosexuals they see leaving together, but the next day they're smiling, holding hands, tenderly embracing one another, then they cannot be forgiven. It is not the departure for pleasure that is unacceptable, it is waking up happy.
Tahiti has always been like a girl. She should be approached with caution, taking plenty of time and be enjoyed. Instead tourists with plenty of money are flinging themselves on the island and destroying the place.
We want to develop innovative ways to promote savings so more Americans can save for their future, but first we need to reject privatization schemes and work together to strengthen Social Security.
Americans firmly rejected Republican legislative efforts to repeal the ACA - only 17 percent supported it.
Despite our founding principles and the many ways our constitution has protected individual liberties, we do, let's admit it, have a long history of shutting people out--african americans, women, gays and lesbians, people with disabilities--and throughout our history, we have found too many ways to divide and exclude people from their ownership of the law and protection under the law.
I wouldn't spend five minutes with Adam outside work if I didn't have to. But yet I feel somewhat displaced without him in the workplace... destroying my tools and leaving messes everywhere he goes.
I suppose I was a frustrated artist. I like fitting things together, and there are plenty of different ways to do that with real estate.
We need to build on the success of Social Security by developing bold and innovative ways for Americans to build wealth and save for retirement. I believe we can work together in a bipartisan manner to accomplish these goals.
I sometimes wonder ... if the land is not destroying the people who inhabit it as the people who inhabit it are destroying the land. A magic continent, a Peculiar Treasure, stuffed with riches, millions in it are starving in the midst of plenty.
Facing death calmly is praiseworthy only if one faces it alone. Death together is no longer death, even for unbelievers. The source of sorrows lies not in leaving life, but in leaving that which gives it meaning. When love is our whole life, what difference is there between living together and dying together ?
I supported and voted for the public option in the version of the Affordable Care Act passed by the U.S. House. Had it been incorporated into the final version of the ACA, it would have done much to increase the competitiveness of ACA Exchange Marketplaces.
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