A Quote by Jacob Ruppert

When I was thirty and perhaps forty, I did not want a wife. It was too much fun being single. — © Jacob Ruppert
When I was thirty and perhaps forty, I did not want a wife. It was too much fun being single.
I have these visions of myself being thirty, thirty-five, forty having a family.
Forty is ... an age at which people have histories and options. At thirty, they had perhaps less history. At fifty, perhaps fewer options.
I am a rapid-cycling manic-depressive, bi-polar one disorder, which means I can have thirty or forty episodes a year, and I used to have thirty to forty episodes a year.
Someday perhaps I'll have to get a grownup job... but for now I'm having too much fun being a reporter.
If you don't start your career until thirty, that still gives you thirty-five years to make it professionally. If you can't make it in thirty-five years, you weren't going to make it in forty or forty-five.
The orchestra's an amazing instrument, but I don't want to just arrange my songs for it. I think that might be kind of boring and a little bit overdramatic, perhaps. I'm still just having too much fun doing it my way, for the time being.
You don't want to be too cool. But you don't want to be too dorky. Still, I find it so much better to see a guy at a club being a dork, and having fun, than trying to be sexy.
Thirty or forty proprietors, with incomes answering to between one thousand and five thousand a year, would create a much more effectual demand for the necessaries, conveniences, and luxuries of life, than a single proprietor possessing a hundred thousand a year.
Fortunately or otherwise we live at a time when the average individual has to know several times as much in order to keep informed as he did only thirty or forty years ago. Being "educated" today requires not only more than a superficial knowledge of the arts and sciences, but a sense of inter-relationship such as is taught in few schools. Finally, being "educated" today, in terms of the larger needs, means preparation for world citizenship; in short, education for survival.
Okay, if this is what falling in love feels like, someone please kill me now. (Not literally, overzealous readers.) But it was all too much - too much emotion, too much happiness, too much longing, perhaps too much ice cream.
The body is most fully developed from thirty to thirty-five years of age, the mind at about forty-nine.
Improv classes were too expensive, so I just started going to open mics. And the day I did it, I did, like, three because I just loved it so much. It was so much fun. And it wasn't good, it was just fun to do. It felt like a release.
My wife and daughter have accused me of being too silent at breakfast but I don't want to talk when I don't have much to say.
Everyone who has observed human behavior for more than thirty continuous seconds seems to have noticed that people are strongly, perhaps even primarily, perhaps even single-mindedly, motivated to feel happy.
For me, I want to get across the stage to the people. I want to point at you, thirty, forty rows back, and you know I'm pointing at you, and we're having a laugh and getting it together.
I hate when people say, 'He's having too much fun.' I've been in this game since I was 19 years old. Did you see a different Jose Reyes? No. You see the same guy every single day; nothing changes.
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