A Quote by Jacob Zuma

If you grow the economy, then you become stronger, and you can resist many other things. — © Jacob Zuma
If you grow the economy, then you become stronger, and you can resist many other things.
Whatever you resist you become. If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad. If you resist suffering, you are always suffering. If you resist confusion,you are always confused. We think that we resist certain states because they are there, but actually they are there because we resist them.
The only way to grow the economy in a way that benefits the bottom 90 percent is to change the structure of the economy. At the least, this requires stronger unions and a higher minimum wage.
Even if it does not become cashless economy, it will become a less cash economy, and I think that itself is going to be a good and big achievement, and I think we are, as a country, gone through many of large changes, and ICICI has been a leader in many of them.
Well obviously the economy is critical to everything we do and we need to get the economy back in shape, the deficit down, the debt paid off, so that the economy can grow again and grow properly.
We grow our own source revenue base, we put ourselves into a stronger financial position and so this budget is unashamedly going to be about focusing on ensuring that we continue to grow our economy and create jobs.
I think when you experience things in your life, dealing with good and bad things, you just become stronger in so many ways.
I was a very quiet, shy child. I grew up in a small town, Louisville, Kentucky, and there weren't too many Hawaiian-Filipino girls, so I stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't look like everyone else and didn't feel I belonged... But these things only build character and make you stronger. It taught me to grow into the woman I was to become.
I spent my whole life in the private sector, 25 years in the private sector. I understand that when government takes more money out of the hands of people, it makes it more difficult for them to buy things. If they can't buy things, the economy doesn't grow. If the economy doesn't grow, we don't put Americans to work.
Let me give you a hint, young ones, what it is you will become as you grow. What things make you cry, what things bring you pain, what things hurt you now, what things threaten your peace; what things you fear, what things bring you rage. It will be the opposite of these that you will become if you chose to accept your weakness, embrace the Son and simply grow.
I feel like I've had a strong relationship with Robert [Kraft] and his family since I was here in 1996 and I think it's gotten stronger every year that I've been here with the Patriots. The more things we do together, talk about together, work together on, the closer we become and the more we rely on each other. I feel like our relationship is very close and continues to grow closer every year as we grow older together.
Every relationship has a spiritual purpose that helps us grow and become stronger. Sometimes, our most challenging relationships bring the greatest personal blessings. From them we learn about forgiveness, patience, and other virtues.
The natural tendency of all human behavior is toward the path of least resistance. When you resist this tendency, you become stronger and more powerful.
We all know that lower taxes will grow our economy and make our nation stronger.
There are many things that only teenagers can do. Many things that they learn while they are teenagers will become important tools for them after they grow up, and I hope teenagers would make choices that they will not regret in the future.
Resist the temptation to ascribe motive, because you really don't know - and it gets in the way of being able to reach a consensus on things that matter to you and to many other people.
Nature builds things that are antifragile. In the case of evolution, nature uses disorder to grow stronger. Occasional starvation or going to the gym also makes you stronger, because you subject your body to stressors and gain from them.
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