A Quote by Jakaya Kikwete

My government is going to deal with all forms of corruption. White-collar corruption will be high on the list and we are going to plug all gaps that are being used by corrupt leaders (and) business people.
Full statehood in Delhi is a larger issue as compared to anti-corruption. For, only when the Delhi government gets its anti-corruption bureau back will it get the power of suspension and vigilance inquiries on corrupt officers of different departments of the government. That is how you can curb the corruption.
My contract with the American voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take our country back from the special interests. I want the entire corrupt Washington establishment to hear and heed the words. We're going to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C.
I am big supporter of the idea of a global anti-corruption movement - but one that begins by recognizing that the architecture of corruption is different in different countries. The corruption we suffer is not the same as the corruption that debilitates Africa. But it is both corruption, and both need to be eliminated if the faith in democracy is not going to be destroyed.
Our country talks a lot on corruption. Everyone advices each other over how to stay away from it. Even those people who are corrupt tend to give advice to others on how to deal with corruption.
As a president, you've got to show some example. I am disturbed for instance when I read that a candidate said, 'I will not probe anybody or something like that'. You don't fight corruption by sweeping everything under the carpet, you don't. You just say, am going to allow the law take its course; I am going to empower the agencies which has been set up for such specific purpose of stemming the corrupt out flow of resources from this nation and don't even talk to me about corruption beyond saying you going to strengthen existing institutions.
Corruption has been tolerated for too long now, and with Buhari, we will, for the first time ever, have a president who will fight corruption. He will act so that people will be deterred from corruption.
I knew I had to cover my back and document what I saw as an opportunity to kind of blow the whistle on a lot of the corruption going on in the White House, and I knew that I needed to document that corruption; otherwise, people would not take it seriously.
We have realized that corruption is rife, and we are going to address it. We are going to root out corruption, and that is a promise I can make.
It's very simple. If the American people care about a lot of things including corruption in government, then, in fact, if you use the power to appoint in order to do political business, to clear fields, to save your party money and so on, if it's not a crime - and I believe it is - it certainly is business as usual, politics of corruption.
There is no more important task in Washington than cleaning up the culture of corruption. Yet the president - whose White House has become the cradle of Republican corruption - is not taking responsibility for the costs of that corruption.
Take corruption, right? Take political corruption. Europe, the Anglosphere, northern Europe, has been kind of a miracle zone - and I'm not saying there's no corruption, of course - but in being somehow able to minimize political corruption.
I used to look down on the world for being corrupt, but now I adore it for the utter magnificence of that corruption.
Government Picking Winners and Losers = Corruption. When government tries to pick winners and losers, the inevitable consequence is corruption. Yes, corruption. If not in a legal sense, certainly in a moral sense
My government will be open. Anyone found guilty of corruption will be dealt with in accordance with the law. If you are corrupt you will have to hang your boots.
There's so much corruption in America; there's so much corruption around the world. It's all coming to the surface thanks to the Internet, and thanks to the younger people who are saying, 'We don't like corrupt people.'
I want to say that this business of corruption and the fight against corruption is a very serious matter, and sometimes I'm amazed that very little is being said outside of those who are saying so in government. It's an existential matter. I don't know whether it is possible to overemphasize the point, but I think it's a very crucial matter.
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