A Quote by Jake Gyllenhaal

Really, contrary to popular belief, I like to have a good time and not take myself too seriously. — © Jake Gyllenhaal
Really, contrary to popular belief, I like to have a good time and not take myself too seriously.
I try not to take myself too seriously. I like to have a good time.
Liberalism, contrary to popular belief, is facing backward in considering the injustice of its ancestors. Conservatism, contrary to popular belief, is facing forward in considering the psychology of its descendants. Definitively, it seems in the modern world that neither side really knows which direction it's facing, and men of the sharpest judgment are simply turned off from picking either of the poisons.
Contrary to popular belief, I really enjoyed my time on 'Dancing With the Stars.'
I want to be taken seriously as the type of musician that plays stuff like an electric rake. I mean, how seriously do you take someone like Spike Jones? They take him pretty seriously - a really good musician who made a great contribution in terms of humor, which is part of what I try to do too.
Contrary to popular belief. It's much wiser to take money from the poor than the rich.
Contrary to popular belief, editors and agents are gagging for good books.
Contrary to popular belief, all evolving artists are in a full time battle with mediocrity.
Contrary to far too popular a belief, style, fashion, and fabulousness are not synonymous with stank, haughty, and self-aggrandizing.
I like to make fun records. Contrary to popular belief.
One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don't really matter too seriously. I feel like very little offends me anymore. I'm really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid.
Contrary to popular belief, maybe, I'm a really friendly guy, I guess, and I really like meeting people. And I'm not really super impressed even if you're my hero; I can just rap with you and we can hang. I'm not gonna like sit there and bite my lip and ask questions about certain songs - okay I might do that once or twice. But it's just, like, two people hanging out.
Inevitably, when directors work with me on a set, they say, 'This isn't what I was expecting. I thought you were going to be very serious.' But I like to stay loose and have a good time and not take myself too seriously. I think, otherwise, you get in your own way.
While I put forth the suntan and the teeth and the cavalier attitude, I've survived under the worst of eras and times, and I've always had a good time doing it, because I never really took myself seriously, nor did I take life seriously because it is already terribly serious.
Hollywood is not stupid, contrary to popular belief; it's really a lot of intelligent people trying to figure things out.
People tend the take everything too seriously. Especially themselves. Yep. And that's probably what makes 'em scared and hurt so much of the time. Life is too serious to take that seriously.
I don't really take myself too seriously.
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