A Quote by Jake LaMotta

I play solitaire and wait for something to happen. — © Jake LaMotta
I play solitaire and wait for something to happen.
In winter, play with the snow; in summer, play with the Sun! Do not wait for something to come; everything is already here! In autumn, play with the leaves, in spring, play with the flowers! In summer, don't wait for the winter; in winter, don't wait for the summer! Everything is already here, in this present time you live in!
You can cheat in solitaire, but there's nothing satisfying about cheating in solitaire.
I couldn't wait to get on the ice. I couldn't wait to get to practice. As a kid, I couldn't wait to shoot pucks or play in parking lots, or play on the river or play on the bay.
I couldn't wait to get on the ice. I couldn't wait to get to practice. As a kid I couldn't wait to shoot pucks or play in parking lots, or play on the river or play on the bay.
What is it about the blank page that makes me want to hurl myself into a game of solitaire? I ask myself these kinds of questions while I'm playing solitaire.
I'm not at all competitive. I'd rather play Solitaire than ping-pong.
I would not sit waiting for some vague tomorrow, nor for something to happen. One could wait a lifetime, and find nothing at the end of the waiting. I would begin here, I would make something happen.
I have an Apple computer, which I use to play Spider Solitaire and do research on the Internet.
If you're patient and you wait long enough, something will usually happen and it'll usually be something you don't like.
Faith is not something that you can cultivate. If it happens to you, it happens, if it doesn't happen to you it doesn't happen, that's all. Does it mean to say - "I have to just sit and wait and someday it will fall upon me?" No, it is just that if you understand the fundamentals of living here, in this existence, you will see, for anything to happen, you must create the right kind of situation.
You know, I wouldn’t have done this a month ago. I wouldn’t have done it then. Then I was avoiding. Now I’m just waiting. Things happen to me. They do. They have to go ahead and happen. You watch – you wait… Things still happen here and something is waiting to happen to me. I can tell. Recently my life feels like a bloodcurdling joke. Recently my life has taken on *form* Something is waiting. I am waiting. Soon, it will stop waiting – any day now. Awful things can happen any time. This is the awful thing.
I have one computer that my wife gave me. All I know how to do, and I do it every day, is play Spider Solitaire. And I don't have a cell phone.
Don't wait for it to happen, don't even want it to happen - just watch what does happen.
You don't wait for somebody to give you something. Then it's not going to happen.
For me, if I'm just killing time, I play solitaire. I'm also guilty of playing Snood. I like games where I can shoot balls and match colors.
Don't wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something!
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