A Quote by Jake Pavelka

My goal in life is to make decisions that minimize regrets. I don't regret anything I've done. — © Jake Pavelka
My goal in life is to make decisions that minimize regrets. I don't regret anything I've done.
With every decision you make in your life, you're going to have some regrets about the way it goes. You just have to chose which set of regrets you can live with the best, and try to minimize the amount of regrets you have.
I don't believe in regrets. I don't think regrets actually exist. I think regrets are things people make up in their heads. So, I don't regret anything. Everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to.
As seemingly impossible as it may seem of having zero regrets, when I look at my life now and all the mistakes I've made, all the bad decisions I've made, all the things I could have done differently or done more in, I don't think I would have changed anything.
You don't get everything in life. You make decisions and have to live by them. If you make the right decisions, at the time you have no regrets.
If I regret leaving City, I'd regret leaving Madrid, I would regret Arsenal, and I would regret maybe even Metz, where I started off. So I have no regrets in life; life is too short to start regretting things.
I haven't done anything I regret; I don't live for regrets. I'm not a mean person, so I don't go around doing evil things to people.
The only mental games in ski racing is the mental game against yourself. Is the whole goal of life preserving your life as long as you can? No. The goal is to enjoy your life, challenge yourself, to sometimes make stupid decisions-which are sometimes fun and sometimes idiotic and sometimes just a big fat mistake you regret.
Why regret anything? Where does it get you to regret anything you've ever done in your life? It gets you nowhere. It's a pathetic emotion that you can wallow in.
Life is too short to hold regrets. Once it's done, you cannot regret it.
I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it.
I'm trying to have no regrets. I'm starting to learn about myself and how to live. As an actor, part of the job is accepting your life and learning how to roll with it. I want to live a life where I don't regret any decisions, and if I do, I learn from them.
I haven't lived a perfect life. I have regrets. But that's from a lifetime of taking chances, making decisions, and trying not to be frozen. The only thing that I can do with my regrets is understand them.
I can say, "I don't have anything I regret!" But I can also say, "I can go forward in my life the way it is and I don't think I'll accrue any future regrets."
Learning from our mistakes is critical for improving, but even I don't have patience for ranking my regrets. Regret is a negative emotion that inhibits the optimism required to take on new challenges. You risk living in an alternative universe, where if only you had done this or that differently, things would be better. That's a poor substitute for making your actual life better, or improving the lives of others. Regret briefly, analyze and understand, and then move on, improving the only life you have.
No regrets, none at all. My only regret is that we went out on penalties. That's my only regret but no, no regrets.
I don't regret anything that I've turned down, and I don't regret anything that I've done, really.
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