A Quote by James Altucher

I saw 'Star Wars' when I was seven years old, and it changed my life. — © James Altucher
I saw 'Star Wars' when I was seven years old, and it changed my life.
I was lucky to have been a seven-year-old kid when I saw 'Star Wars.'
I was four years old when I saw 'Star Wars,' and it has been significantly important throughout my entire life.
I was four years old when I saw 'Star Wars', and it has been significantly important throughout my entire life.
At nine years old, I saw 'Star Wars.' I saw it a gazillion times.
The reason I make movies now has a lot to do with having seen Star Wars when I was seven years old. That's the formative movie-going experience of my life.
I was seven years old the first time I saw Michael Jackson. That changed everything.
I have always been a HUGE Star Wars fan since I was like 5 years old. Most of us in the writers room at Family Guy were big nerds growing up and could recite almost any scene from Star Wars.
I saw Alien when I was 8 years old. To me, it was like a combination of Jaws and Star Wars and that's the movie that made me want to be a director.
I saw 'Alien' when I was 8 years old. To me, it was like a combination of Jaws and Star Wars, and that's the movie that made me want to be a director.
I rewatched a lot of 'Star Wars' when I did 'Rogue One,' and the thing I learned was that as a young person, consuming 'Star Wars' at the level that I consumed 'Star Wars,' it kind of molds your visual psyche, so you see the world in 'Star Wars'-ian fashion.
I believe that I'm an actor to this day because of 'Star Wars.' I saw 'Star Wars' as a child, and I was completely enamored by it.
I got to meet Mark Hamill. He signed some Star Wars posters for us. I saw the fight scenes he had. He was really into making fun of himself and Star Wars.
'Star Wars' is life, but 'Star Wars' is also not very good, which is why 'Rogue One' - a Frankenstein's monster assembled from a butchered first cut and an excessively large space antenna that only exists to add another 30 minutes to the film - is one of the better 'Star Wars' movies.
Star Wars - the movie I saw 12 times as a 17-year-old. The movie that began a cultural and creative universe that now spans generations. For me to be a part of this in The Clone Wars is a dream come true.
'Star Wars' hasn't changed my life at all.
I can't deal with the ears in 'Star Trek.' I only saw the first 'Star Wars' movie, and I don't think I saw an entire 'Star Trek' TV show, and I certainly didn't see the movie. I like 'Andy Griffith' and 'Deadwood.'
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