A Quote by James Altucher

Read every book, blog, website, whatever, about what you want to be an expert in. — © James Altucher
Read every book, blog, website, whatever, about what you want to be an expert in.
I read every fan forum and every blog, and every message board, and every chat room. I read it all. There's nothing online that I'm not aware of.
The book is not a cut-and-paste job. Yeah, I have a blog, but the material in the book is all new. The blog deals with my life now, whereas as the book starts a few years before my birth until right about the end of junior high. And yes, I am contractually obliged to mention this as much as possible (each time I do, HarperCollins sends me a free pizza).
Read. Read every chance you get. Read to keep growing. Read history. Read poetry. Read for pure enjoyment. Read a book called Life on a Little Known Planet. It's about insects. It will make you feel better.
A travel book is a book that puts you in the shoes of the traveler, and it's usually a book about having a very bad time, having a miserable time, even better. You don't want to read a book about someone having a great time in the South of France, eating and drinking and falling in love. What you want to read is a book about a guy going through the jungle, going through the arctic snow, having a terrible time trying to cross the Sahara, and solving problems as they go.
If a parent doesn't want his/her child to read a book then there is always an alternative text to read. But the book banners want to control what every child reads.
By taking the time to learn how to blog properly, you'll be doing your business an incredible favor, as you will be able to drive a lot of business to your website for your blog.
Anyone can repeat a technical explanation they read in a text-book or blog post.
Sure, kids want to read whatever is the hot book, and of course they want to read fantasy and any kind of speculative fiction, but they also like to read stories with kids that look just like them, that have the same problems as them. And I've noticed that what they particularly want to see is to see those characters prevail. So they don't want sanitized situations. They want stories to be raw, they want them to be gritty, but they also do want to see the hope at the end of the story.
A lot of the stuff I blog is either stuff I'm reporting anyway for ABC News internally and figure I might as well put it up on the blog. Or it's stuff I'm just interested in, or I read about it, or I hear about it, and I'm just curious.
The best part of owning a blog is the fact that you are in control. You can write about anything you want to write about. You can decide how your blog looks. You can decide who to target. You can decide how to monetize the blog. You have full control!
I write so that people will read what I write. I don't want to write a book that a thousand people read, or just privileged people read. I want to write a book whose emotional truth people can understand. For me, that's what it's about.
The challenges of writing a book are very different from writing a blog or tweets. I've been writing a blog since I was in the 6th grade, so I had this style of writing that was definitely not proper for writing a book.
There's always a villain in every book, in every movie. In every story you have the hero and what he wants, and that is the MacGuffin. The whole thing is about who's gonna get the MacGuffin. This piece that this Ace of Spades blog wrote is that's how the media covers [Barack] Obama, and I have observed this in different ways over the years.
For me, Sci-Hub has a value by itself, as a website where users can access knowledge. There are many websites where you can see pictures, share tweets, download music, read ebooks. And Sci-Hub is a website where you can read research articles.
I don't read "letters" sections of magazines, but I'll read anyone's blog post about me.
If I'm reading a book by a footballer I don't want to read about games, how he scored or played well. People want to read what you thought, not what happened.
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