A Quote by James Brown

You're like a dull knife, just ain't cuttin', just talkin' loud and saying nothing — © James Brown
You're like a dull knife, just ain't cuttin', just talkin' loud and saying nothing
You're like a dull knife, it just ain't cutting.
Talkin', talkin, talkin', talk. Baby, let's just knock it off. They don't know what we been through. They don't know 'bout me and you.
I seen it over an' over—a guy talkin' to another guy and it don't make no difference if he don't hear or understand. The thing is, they're talkin', or they're settin' still not talkin'. It don't make no difference, no difference. [...] George can tell you screwy things, and it don't matter. It's just the talking. It's just bein' with another guy. That's all.
People try to put us down (Talkin' 'bout my generation) Just because we get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation) Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation) Hope I die before I get old.
I saw 'Taxi Driver,' and 'Taxi Driver' kind of saved my life. The scene where Robert De Niro is looking at himself in the mirror saying, 'You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Who the hell else are you talkin' to?' That's the scene that changed my life by changing my attitude about acting.
Talent is a dull knife that will cut nothing unless it is wielded with great force.
A lot of people feed off my energy. I have to keep that up. I can't just be loud one day and the next day saying nothing.
But a knife ain't just a thing, is it? It's a choice, it's something you do. A knife says yes or no, cut or not, die or don't. A knife takes a decision out of your hand and puts it in the world and it never goes back again.
I like to think I'm just talkin' in my defense.
I'm talkin' about a place where the beer flows like wine, where the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talkin' about Aspen.
Peter was dull; he was at first Dull; - Oh, so dull - so very dull! Whether he talked, wrote, or rehearsed - Still with his dulness was he cursed - Dull -beyond all conception - dull.
I just got a new dog, so I was worried that he'd hate the fireworks, and he did, but just because he's not a patriot, not because of the loud sounds. The loud sounds he's fine with - he just hates America.
Saying it out loud as a child is scary, but saying I felt unstable out loud as an adult with children was really scary. The fear of losing your children stops you from saying anything. It's a never-ending battle.
In those rare cases in which you have a dull knife and cooking to do, but no ceramic in sight, the top edge of a rolled-down car window will work just as well. Even a smooth stone or slab of concrete outside can work in a pinch.
I like to have my houses fully decorated when I move in so I can actually enjoy them. Nothing's more annoying than trying to have breakfast and having to unpack boxes just to get a butter knife! It's hell!
Saying the Washington Post is just a newspaper is like saying Rasputin was just a country priest.
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