A Quote by James Caan

Success is the result of clear goal, unshakable confidence, proper planning, enthusiastic ACTION and consistent persistence. — © James Caan
Success is the result of clear goal, unshakable confidence, proper planning, enthusiastic ACTION and consistent persistence.
Good planning is the foundation of success for almost any project. Start by getting clear on your goal.
The four natural principles for success are: A clear goal, a definite plan, confidence, no fear of failure.
Confidence - Poise and confidence are not possible unless you have prepared correctly. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Poise and confidence are a natural result of proper preparation.
At the beginning of a novel, a writer needs confidence, but after that what's required is persistence. These traits sound similar. They aren't. Confidence is what politicians, seducers and currency speculators have, but persistence is a quality found in termites. It's the blind drive to keep on working that persists after confidence breaks down.
There is one prevailing key to success. Do what you resolve to do. Then you'll be a success. If you can discipline yourself to follow through on your promises to yourself, your self-esteem goes up. Persistence is self-discipline in action. Self-discipline is the foundation of self-confidence .
Action without planning is the cause of all failure. Action with planning is the cause of all success.
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
You cannot do a goal. Long-term planning and goal-setting must therefore be complemented by short-term planning. This kind of planning requires specifying activities. You can do an activity. Activities are steps along the way to a goal. Let's say you desire security. Putting $10.00 in the bank or talking to your stockbroker about your investment plans are activities that will move you toward your goal.
Success is processional. It's the result of a series of small disciplines that lead us into habitual patterns of success that no longer require consistent will or effort.
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.
I would hesitate to use the word 'success' in the way many people do. I don't know that I would apply it to what I've done as though I have now reached the ultimate goal. To me success is a continuing thing. It is growth and development. It is achieving one thing and using that as a stepping stone to achieve something else. Success comes as you have confidence in yourself. Self-confidence is built by succeeding, even if the success is small. It is the believing that makes it possible.
Often, failure is success trying to be born in a bigger way, and persistence helps you to experience that greater result.
Yes - Action is the key! Cuz - when we take action we get a result - it might not always be the result we want but nevertheless it's a result - something we can learn from.
Modern man is conditioned to expect instant gratification, but any success or triumph realized quickly, with only marginal effort, is necessarily shallow. Meaningful achievement takes time, hard work, persistence, patience, proper intent and self-awareness. The path to success is punctuated by failure, consolidation, and renewed effort.
Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident. Rather, it’s the result of deliberate decisions, conscious effort, and immense persistence...all directed at specific goals.
Success requires persistence, the ability to not give up in the face of failure. I believe that optimistic explanatory style is the key to persistence.
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