A Quote by James Cash Penney

Every great business is built on friendship. — © James Cash Penney
Every great business is built on friendship.
A friendship built on business can be glorious, while a business built on friendship can be murder.
All lasting business is built on friendship.
The best entrepreneurs know this: every great business is built around a secret that’s hidden from the outside. A great company is a conspiracy to change the world; when you share your secret, the recipient becomes a fellow conspirator.
I know I was a great friend to Tiger Woods. But when you have a relationship that's involves business and friendship - and the business part comes to an end - things always get a little blurry.
Great businesses can be built on scale. I think Amazon has built a phenomenal commerce business largely on scale. Their network effect isn't obvious to me, but boy, have they used scale effectively.
The great personal fortunes in the country weren't built on a portfolio of fifty companies. They were built by someone who identified one wonderful business. With each investment you make, you should have the courage and the conviction to place at least 10% of your net worth in that stock.
Google has a great product. They've built a great business.
their relationship was built on friendship, and in matters of friendship he was boundlessly loyal. It was a relationship that would survive the harshest test.
Ours is a career built on a friendship, not a friendship built on a career.
You don't win an Olympic gold medal with a few weeks of intensive training. There's no such thing as an overnight opera sensation. Great law firms or design companies don't spring up overnight... Every great company, every great brand, and every great career has been built in exactly the same way: bit by bit, step by step, little by little.
They are a great essay in male friendship, which has gone now. Men's friendship has been debased. One of the lovely things about Holmes and Watson is that they do have this great platonic relationship.
Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble.
My father has created an enormous business and he's created an enormous brand for himself, and I'm contributing to the business that he's built every day at The Trump Organization
I think in order to really create something special, it has to be built on some foundation. And I think friendship is a good foundation you could always tap back on if you don't agree. So for me, it's not dating, it's more so friendship.
Great leadership and great companies aren't built overnight, and they're not built without capital. And capital can sometimes be counter-productive to building a great culture.
A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.
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