A Quote by James D'arcy

I find it incredibly romantic that people should fight for a cause they believe in and be prepared to die for it. — © James D'arcy
I find it incredibly romantic that people should fight for a cause they believe in and be prepared to die for it.
Many people who say they're looking for love are merely looking for superficial comfort. They're not looking yet for the true romantic adventure. For that entails a readiness to die to who we were, in order to be born again prepared for love, truly worthy of the romantic heights.
A warrior who is prepared to fight must also be prepared to die.
We all have different causes that touch us emotionally and I believe anybody should fight for a cause they believe in. I'm a Muslim, I'm African, so certain causes will affect me more than they do other people.
A good cause can become bad if we fight for it with means that are indiscriminately murderous. A bad cause can become good if enough people fight for it in a spirit of comradeship and self-sacrifice. In the end it is how you fight, as much as why you fight, that makes your cause good or bad.
In ascending order the qualities of Patriotism are: 1. To work, fight, or die for your own survival. 2. To work, fight, or die for your immediate family. 3. To work, fight, or die for a group, extended family, tribe, or clan. 4. To work, fight, or die for a group too large for all the individuals to know each other. 5. To work, fight, or die for a way of life.
I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill.
We are not a warlike people. Nor is our history filled with tales of aggressive adventures and imperialism, which might come as a shock to some of the placard painters in our modern demonstrations. The lesson of Vietnam, I think, should be that never again will young Americans be asked to fight and possibly die for a cause unless that cause is so meaningful that we, as a nation, pledge our full resources to achieve victory as quickly as possible.
I find it ironic that people who are against things that cause sexual thoughts are generally fundamentalist Christians who also believe you should be fruitful and multiply.
Christianity is realistic because it says that if there is no truth, there is also no hope; and there can be no truth if there is no adequate base. It is prepared to face the consequences of being proved false and say with Paul: If you find the body of Christ, the discussion is finished, let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die. It leaves absolutely no room for a romantic answer.
Those who are prepared to die for any cause are seldom defeated.
I don't think I am a traditional romantic who thinks about candlelight dinners and wonders if my husband is going to bring me flowers, though I'm delighted if he does. I'm more practical-minded. I find it incredibly romantic that my husband does the dishes.
To die for a cause is insanity; man's greatest cause is to live; his biggest purpose is to stay alive! Only fools die for a cause! Which cause can be superior to man's life?
I dare say you believe I'm going to die. I bet you don't believe you're going to die. You know it, but you don't believe it. Imaginatively, I think we find it impossible to believe we don't exist.
Whither depart the souls of the brave that die in the battle, Die in the lost, lost fight, for the cause that perishes with them?
I’m very romantic. I really believe in true love, a love that you only find once in a lifetime, if you have the chance. Because, I think that many people never find it, which is very sad. But, I’m not a guy who flirts easily with girls. I believe that there’s somebody out there for me. I’m still searching.
Young Americans must never again be sent to fight and die unless we are prepared to let them win.
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