A Quote by James Freeman

A politician thinks about the next elections - the statesman thinks about the next generations. — © James Freeman
A politician thinks about the next elections - the statesman thinks about the next generations.
The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation
A statesman is he who thinks in the future generations, and a politician is he who thinks in the upcoming elections.
A politician thinks of the next election; a statement of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.
Even the humblest men have a strange reason behind greed. Every man thinks money solves problems - and every man thinks not just of himself, but his next three generations - there is a probability he will live to see those generations - and he wants to care for them in times of strife.
A politician's words reveal less about what he thinks about his subject than what he thinks about his audience.
If a statesman is one who looks to the next generation and a politician one who looks to the next election, a political consultant must be one who looks to the next tracking poll.
When a man thinks about a woman he thinks about love, he never thinks about marriage. When a woman thinks about a man, she thinks about marriage. Love is secondary, security is first. She lives in a different kind of world - maybe in the future she may not, but in the past the only problem for the woman was how to be secure.
The opportunist thinks of me and today. The statesman thinks of us and tomorrow.
We need to be strong in order to avoid war; and to win. A politician looks forward only to the next election. A statesman looks forward to the next generation. Any person who is over 30 and is not a conservative, has no brains.
I have often heard that the outstanding man is he who thinks deeply about a problem, and the next is he who listens carefully to advice.
It doesn't have the ability to think rationally this economic model. It thinks like a drug addict: 'Where can I get my next fix?' It doesn't learn wisely. Any kind of measure of natural wisdom would be: you make a mistake, you correct it the next time around. But a drug addict feels terrible... and then says: 'I want more'. Unfortunately we have an economic model that thinks like a crack addict.
The wise man thinks about his troubles only when there is some purpose in doing so; at other times he thinks about other things, or, if it is night, about nothing at all.
Jesus Christ never thinks about what we have been! He always thinks about what we are going to be.
Almost everybody who thinks about local thinks about daily deals, but companies like OpenTable and Zillow and Yelp are all getting their money from the local market.
A person who thinks too much only ever thinks about his thoughts
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