A Quote by James Hunter

If you are approaching the music with more reverence than the original guys invested into it, you are effectively doing it a disservice. — © James Hunter
If you are approaching the music with more reverence than the original guys invested into it, you are effectively doing it a disservice.
One of the founding moments of public health in the 19th century effectively poisoned the water supply of London much more effectively than any modern day bioterrorist could have ever dreamed of doing.
I believe that the future for a more effective, more efficient way of approaching the challenges Europe is facing is going to be more properly and more effectively handled and seen through the member states.
Reverence is a perception of the soul. Reverence is a natural aspect of authentic empowerment because the soul reveres all of Life. When the personality is aligned with the soul, it cannot perceive life except with reverence. Approaching life with reverence is a step toward moving the personality into alignment with the soul because it brings an aspect of the soul directly into the physical environment.
If people are anything but enthusiastic about the information or ideas that they're sharing, they're either not that invested in what they're doing - or they're not communicating that investment effectively.
The press has become so [word missing] about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people, a tremendous disservice.
I'm approaching a period in my life though where I'd like to be totally absorbed into music, doing concerts, writing something. Basically, that IS what I am doing.
If I don't explain or tell some of my experiences, I feel like I'm doing guys a disservice because I know as a younger player, there's things I could benefit from the experience of an older guy.
I'm a little younger than these guys, but I would say all of us are huge fans of the original 'MacGyver' series, and obviously we found that inspiration for the original pitch for 'MacGruber.'
I feel like when it comes to rap - like, real rap music - and knowing the pioneers of rap, I feel like there's no competition for me in the NBA. Other guys can rap, but they're not as invested or as deep into actual music as I am and always have been. I think that might be what the difference is. I'm more wanting to be an artist.
When I was living in Mexico, I started reassessing my drawing style, and plunged into a period of doing exercises and research to develop a new way to draw. The result was a style that implies more than it shows, and so, ironically, feels more "true" to the scene I want to draw than a style that is more specific. It seems to me that the reader's imagination is able to fill in the gaps more effectively than I ever could. Plus it's a lot faster and more fun to do.
Those who choose, conduct, present, and accompany the music may influence the spirit of reverence ... more than a speaker does.
Reverence is an attitude of honoring life. Reverence automatically brings forth patience. Reverence permits non-judgemental justice. Reverence is a perception of the soul.
Guys who are larger than life and theatrical and deliciously unpredictable - they're far more interesting than the good guys most of the time. They have these psychological layers that an audience can really cling on to, become fascinated with, much more so than these true-blue, one-dimensional, square-jawed good guys.
When I was doing music videos, everybody was very snobbish about music video directors doing commercials. It was all guys from ad agencies.
Before YouTube, I was playing in restaurants and doing open mics - every once in a while, I'd throw an original in there. And then YouTube kind of just opened doors for me, so once I felt like I had an audience to share music with, I began to share my original music.
If you break down actual techniques and knowledge of MMA, I am more knowledgeable than the head coaches of all the guys I'm fighting. Forget the guys I'm fighting. Obviously I know more than they do, nobody is going to question that. But I also know more than the guys who are teaching them about fighting. I could teach them.
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