A Quote by James Joyce

British Beatitudes! ... Beer, beef, business, bibles, bulldogs, battleships, buggery and bishops. — © James Joyce
British Beatitudes! ... Beer, beef, business, bibles, bulldogs, battleships, buggery and bishops.
For all we know that English people are/ Fed upon beef - I won't say much of beer/ Because 'tis liquor only, and being far/ From this my subject, has no business here;/ We know too, they are very fond of war,/ A pleasure - like all pleasures - rather dear;/ So were the Cretans - from which I infer/ That beef and battle both were owing her
Beer drinkers have been duped by mass marketing into the belief that it makes sense to drink only one brand of beer. In truth, brand loyalty in beer makes no more sense than 'vegetable loyalty' in food. Can you imagine it? “No thanks, I'll pass on the mashed potatoes, carrots, bread and roast beef. Me, I'm strictly a broccoli man.'
In English-speaking countries, the connection between heresy and homosexuality is expressed through the use of a single word to denote both concepts: buggery. ... Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (Third Edition) defines "buggery" as "heresy, sodomy.
If you were to watch any of the British Bulldogs' matches against the Hart Foundation, it was lightning in a bottle, with incredible tag team competition that was ahead of its time.
No soldier can fight unless he is properly fed on beef and beer.
The big fun in 'Battleship' is that there are no current battleships in the Navy today. The battleships are about 1,000 feet long and they have huge guns. They were what you saw in WWII. The last battleship that was used was the Missouri, which is what the Japanese surrendered to.
The big fun in Battleship is that there are no current battleships in the Navy today. The battleships are about 1,000 feet long and they have huge guns. They were what you saw in WWII. The last battleship that was used was the Missouri, which is what the Japanese surrendered to...
I don't - you know, I'm very disillusioned with our political system. If we don't wake up in America and realize that we have to vote out of our courage and integrity for candidates who reflect our own beatitudes, and not the beatitudes of the war machine and the corporations, we are - we're doomed.
In a family business, you grow up with close contact to the business, whatever it is, and the beer business is certainly a very social type of business.
I don't get into record beef. That's the wackest beef. That's not even a beef; that's entertainment. Might as well be a wrestler or something.
This beer is good for you. This is draft beer. Stick with the beer. Let's go and beat this guy up and come back and drink some more beer.
Beef. Yes. Roast beef. It's the Swedish term for beef that is roasted.
I will be praying with my best wishes that the Orthodox move ahead because they are brothers and their bishops are bishops like us.
Beer is sacred business, a mood-altering food substance that may have preserved the human species. To drink beer is to be human.
I have been vociferous against government on things like beef. I used to eat beef, but I've stopped. That doesn't mean others shouldn't eat beef.
I like to mind my business when it comes to other people's business, especially when it comes to beef.
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