A Quote by James Maddison

In the Premier League, you don't have one second to breathe - you have to be on it from the first minute. If you lose focus - just for a few seconds - the game will pass you by. It's 100 miles an hour.
Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want in your life is a second denying focus and energy from getting what you do want. Every minute you worry about what's not working is a minute drawn away from creating what will work. And every hour spent reflecting on the disappointments of the past is an hour stolen from seeing the possibilities that your future holds.
I am not someone who watches every game from the Bundesliga, the Spanish League, or even the Premier League. Of course, if there is a good game, like in the Champions League, I will watch it.
Being involved with the first team, be it in the Premier League or the Europa League, you just have to take it as it comes. You keep all the nerves inside and just play your normal game.
In the Premier League, I think if you win your first five games, you're in the fight, because here in every game, you can lose or drop points.
The reason we tend to support Republicans is they're taking us toward the cliff at only 70 miles per hour miles an hour and the Democrats are taking us 100 miles an hour.
About life: "It is not complicated unless I make it so. It is not difficult unless I allow it to be. A second is no more than a second, a minute no more than a minute, a day no more than a day. They pass. All things and all time will pass. Don't force or fear, don't control or lose control. Don't fight and don't stop fighting. Embrace and endure. If you embrace, you will endure.
I have 41 Premier League goals. For me the 100 club is massive. That is a massive carrot there to get into that in four years. That is where I'd like to be at the end of my career, 100 Premier League goals and join that elusive club.
The Premier League benefits from foreigners, and the game's evolved in a way that's beneficial, but you can't lose the roots of the English game.
We have to do everything that we possibly can to get back to winning the Premier League. We are not successful until we do. Second is not success, we have to win the Premier League.
The first few seasons, I was just getting used to the Premier League.
We just have to go at 100 miles an hour in all our businesses, be they television broadcasting, be they magazine publishing, be they subscription television, be they online, be they gaming. We just have to go at one hundred miles an hour.
I like English football because you play all the games from the start of the Premier League to the very last game always 100%. Even when squads in the last two or three games have just been relegated, they still play 100%.
I always say it must not be an obsession to win the Champions League. It's a very important title and beautiful to do it. But you must not try to win the Champions League and lose focus on the Premier League.
Here in the Premier League, you have to give 100 per cent for the whole 90 minutes. It's not like after 70 minutes you can say, 'We're 2-0 up, so let's have some fun now' - that doesn't happen in the Premier League.
Jelavic improved massively going to the Premier League. He was great for Rangers, but Premier League is different: faster and more physical. He is perfect for the Premier League, has everything to succeed.
I love the Premier League, I absolutely love Premier League games. Removing myself a footballer, I watch the Premier League. It's a great league, fantastic football is played in it.
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