A Quote by James Nesbitt

I went to India with UNICEF in connection with Manchester United to raise money for children's education. — © James Nesbitt
I went to India with UNICEF in connection with Manchester United to raise money for children's education.
Everyone deserves the best start in life, which is what UNICEF is working to provide the world's most vulnerable children. Education is essential to a child's development. I hope that as an Ambassador I can encourage people to join UNICEF's mission to make education a reality for children throughout the world.
Whenever I speak at the United Nations, UNICEF or elsewhere to raise awareness of the continual and rampant recruitment of children in wars around the world, I come to realize that I still do not fully understand how I could have possibly survived the civil war in my country, Sierra Leone.
I have felt part of this club when I have travelled all around the world and been recognised as a Manchester United player. And when you're a Manchester United player you will forever be a Manchester United player.
Manchester is obviously is a huge footballing city with Manchester City and Manchester United there - and I really like this accent because my agent is also from Manchester and my girlfriend's family is from Manchester.
Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving access to and the quality of education to provide children who have dropped out of school or who work during school hours the opportunity to gain a formal education!
Formal education in British India was remarkable for its lack of connection with its Indian environment. Like the African persuaded to cover his nakedness with a Mother Hubbard, we wore mental Mother Hubbards, and they were often a sad fit. Our textbooks had been compiled by Englishmen for English children, of whom there were none in my school and few in any school in India.
With Manchester United I want to win. I therefore do not pay attention to what happens in other clubs, I'm totally focused on Manchester United.
The French talk about education, the education of their children. They don't talk about raising kids. They talk about education. And that has nothing to do with school. It's this kind of broad description of how you raise children and what you teach them.
It is a huge honor to be part of the UNICEF family. UNICEF has done tremendous work in Turkey and globally, I am looking forward to meeting as many children and young people as I can, hearing and sharing their stories.
I read about Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the newspapers. I would love for him to come to Manchester United; I've said this for a long time. He was born to play for Manchester United.
I'm not saying I've become institutionalised at Manchester United but my qualities have been at Manchester United.
For example, UNICEF works with governments to change legislation such as in India where a law was passed raising the age of compulsory school completion to keep children in school and away from the workplace for longer.
I think any player who joins Manchester United wants to win everything; I want to win every competition that Manchester United compete in.
We have to make education a priority, but all this debate about education and testing is almost beside the point. We only spend a fraction of the money on education that we spend on arms buildups. Under a Kucinich administration, education becomes one of the top domestic priorities. We put money into it. We cause the government to be vitally involved in it. And we make sure our children have the love of knowledge.
I always say the biggest opponent for Manchester United is Manchester United. Every year I play for this club, I will say the same.
I think Manchester United is a much bigger club than any manager in the world, and the manager who comes in should respect what Manchester United is.
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