A Quote by James Packer

We just have to go at 100 miles an hour in all our businesses, be they television broadcasting, be they magazine publishing, be they subscription television, be they online, be they gaming. We just have to go at one hundred miles an hour.
The reason we tend to support Republicans is they're taking us toward the cliff at only 70 miles per hour miles an hour and the Democrats are taking us 100 miles an hour.
Downhillers are going over 110 miles per hour. But no matter what, you can't hit the fence at 100 miles per hour.
I'm kind of a nervous guy. I know on television I look like I'm half asleep, but inside I'm going about 100 miles an hour.
I always look at these superhero films, and I see people hurdling towards at a hundred miles per hour, and then they get up, shake their head, and charge back at a hundred miles per hour. Nobody seems to really get injured or hurt. I don't find any threat in that. There is no tension in that whatsoever.
We were concerned with having good songs, not just songs that go two hundred miles per hour.
I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.
A car is a 2,000 pound projectile that can go 100 miles an hour.
I'm not that patient sometimes. I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.
Being a wrestler, it can get rough in terms of your mindset, just having that mentality embedded in you where you just wanna go, go, go, 100 miles per hour, always redlining your body and never actually taking the time out to let your body recover the right way. As I got older, I started to realized that less sometimes is more.
I'm probably going to go more the feature film route for a while, just so I have more time on my hands. If I did go back to television, I'd do a comedy, a half hour. Or I'd go back on an hour long if it was ensemble, if I had a smaller role, if I could work less days.
We want to go 100 miles per hour and cause confusion for the defense. It can be a lot of fun.
When it comes down to music, I have no balance. I am 100 percent. It is like full throttle. Five hundred miles an hour.
If someone had said to me before I started doing this that a human being is capable of running 100 miles nonstop, I would have just said: 'No way. I mean, how?' If you just go out there and run 100 miles, it breaks down a lot of barriers in terms of self-imposed limitations.
I think some of the best pieces of advice for me was when I talked to some of the great players who have had success in this league how much they emphasized the importance of rest, that you can't just go 100 miles an hour all 12 months of the year every day and just keep going. That is a recipe for burnout.
Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still?
When you treat yourself right, you run better and more efficiently. Which means you don't have to go 100 miles an hour to get everything done.
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