A Quote by James Wolfensohn

The Bank had never used the word 'corruption' at all until I got there, and the reason for that was, as the general counsel pointed out to me, that quite a number of our shareholders represented were not immune from corruption in their governments.
The unending chase for money, I believe, threatens to steal our democracy itself. I've used the word 'corrupting,' and I want to be very clear about it: I mean by it not the corruption of individuals, but a corruption of a system itself that all of us are forced to participate in against our will.
I am big supporter of the idea of a global anti-corruption movement - but one that begins by recognizing that the architecture of corruption is different in different countries. The corruption we suffer is not the same as the corruption that debilitates Africa. But it is both corruption, and both need to be eliminated if the faith in democracy is not going to be destroyed.
I am calling upon all of you to come out and fight corruption and agree to support the government in fighting corruption as our first priority.
Over 70% of what are called corruption (cases), even by EFCC (Economic and Financial Crimes Commission) and other anti-corruption agencies, is not corruption, but common stealing.
Take corruption, right? Take political corruption. Europe, the Anglosphere, northern Europe, has been kind of a miracle zone - and I'm not saying there's no corruption, of course - but in being somehow able to minimize political corruption.
As the corruption of our nature shews the absolute necessity of regeneration, so the absolute necessity of regeneration plainly proves the corruption of our nature; for why should a man need a second birth, if his nature were not quite marred in the first birth?
In general, corruption tends to exist whenever governments have favors to extend, or something to sell.
Since Deacon Hollingshead's arrival in town last July the Dominion had been hard at work, cleansing New York City of moral corruption. "Corruption" is a popular word with the enthusiasts of the Dominion, usually uttered as a prelude to the knife, the docket, or the noose.
Corruption happens because there is impunity. That's the reason why corruption is widespread at all levels - from the person who asks for a bribe on the street to those who hold prominent positions.
There is no more important task in Washington than cleaning up the culture of corruption. Yet the president - whose White House has become the cradle of Republican corruption - is not taking responsibility for the costs of that corruption.
Saigon was an addicted city, and we were the drug: the corruption of children, the mutilation of young men, the prostitution of women, the humiliation of the old, the division of the family, the division of the country-it had all been done in our name. . . . The French city . . . had represented the opium stage of the addiction. With the Americans had begun the heroin phase.
There are more crime films about the corruption of power because our society has similar problems. It would be great for me as an actor to work on an 'Inside Men' sequel, but I hope it never gets made. Because it would mean the corruption is still there.
What I see in Washington reminds me of what I saw in Montgomery when I was first elected Alabama's Attorney General. In Montgomery, corruption was the problem, so I assembled the finest public corruption prosecution team in the country. Their work wasn't always popular with the mainstream media or the local politicians. We didn't let that stop us.
No-one will protect us unless we learn to protect us ourselves... Our army should become one of the elites of Ukrainian society... The word 'general' should not be associated with the word 'corruption' but the word 'hero.'
Corruption is found everywhere. I admit there is some corruption in my staff - not me.
Corruption has been tolerated for too long now, and with Buhari, we will, for the first time ever, have a president who will fight corruption. He will act so that people will be deterred from corruption.
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