A Quote by Jamie Farr

They sometimes beat things into the ground. They don't know when to get out of a situation. They think it's going to be funny....the more you pound the nail into the ground the funnier it gets and that's not necessarily true.
I like ground and pound; I don't know if it is like a technique or discipline. I like to be on the ground, but I don't necessarily go for submissions or anything.
I just really like ground and pound. The way I do it, it looks like I'm just throwing bombs, but there's some technique to it too. I make sure I'm controlling the hips, palming his face to the ground, just little things like this that make sure that the ground and pound works and I'm not letting him tie me up to where I can't throw punches.
I like to think I'm calm. Sometimes I have arrived at the ground in the morning in a bad mood - you're not always going to be in the best of moods are you? - but by the time you get into the ground and you have a brew then it's normally fine.
On dispersive ground, therefore, fight not. On facile ground, halt not. On contentious ground, attack not. On open ground, do not try to block the enemy's way. On the ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies. On serious ground, gather in plunder. In difficult ground, keep steadily on the march. On hemmed-in ground, resort to stratagem. On desperate ground, fight.
This whole concept of boots on the ground, we've got a phobia about boots on the ground. If our military experts say, we need boots on the ground, we should put boots on the ground and recognize that there will be boots on the ground and they'll be over here, and they'll be their boots if we don't get out of there now.
When I am furious about something, I sometimes beat the ground or a tree with my walking stick. But I certainly do not believe that the ground is to blame or that my beating can help anything... And all rites are of this kind.
I think with empathy... It's more looking out at the people. And that includes the Republicans, you know the people that might be opposed to us. Trying to understand why is it that they want what they want. And then how do we find common ground. I mean sometimes there is no common ground to be had if it's only about profit.
Compared to politics, I think sports is funnier, because it's inconsequential. And politics can be real important and all that. The more pointless something is, the funnier it is, you know? And the more grave or important things are... You know, some comedians can get this disease where they get serious all the time.
I think it is a very important point for India to create a bureaucracy that lives on the ground and gets its stimulus from how life is on the ground.
Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You better beat it - I hear they're going to tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here? You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
There’s something completely unnerving about seeing your parents upset. I suppose it’s because they’re supposed to be the strong ones, but that’s not just it. Ever since people are kids they use their parents as some sort of measurement for how bad a situation is. When you fall on the ground really hard and you can’t figure out whether it hurts or not you look to your parents. If they look worried and rush toward you, you cry. If they laugh and smack the ground saying “Bold ground,” then you pick yourself up and get on with it.
I've got great ground-and-pound and I'm going to use it.
New York is a place that can grind you down and spit you out. A true New Yorker doesn't get ground down - he gets polished.
New York is a place that can grind you down and spit you out. A true New Yorker doesn't get ground down, he gets polished.
I think all of us who have been in Afghanistan on the ground multiple times know that what we're doing there on the ground is just not sustainable.
The funny thing is more money doesn't necessarily get you what you think it's going to get you and the way where it does get you more value on screen.
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