A Quote by Jamie Lee Curtis

I'm a disciplinarian. I'm the tough love pet owner. I believe in very well-behaved animals. — © Jamie Lee Curtis
I'm a disciplinarian. I'm the tough love pet owner. I believe in very well-behaved animals.
People didn't think animals thought or remembered or had minds! They most certainly do: any pet owner knows more than a lot of scientists about animals.
There is nothing wrong with professional pet owners and private breeders of exotic animals. And I would be the first to fight to take away an animal from an irresponsible owner.
I love animals and feel very strongly that people should not be allowed to buy a pet if they are not able to look after it.
Animals are not resources or property with whom we can do what we please, their lives matter very much, and they should be firmly entrenched in our moral community. Accepting the notion of ‘animal guardian’ to replace ‘pet owner’ will go a long way towards making the lives of our companions much better and richer.
I've seen people that don't treat their animals well and yet their animals are still just as loving to them even though they're not treated that well. It's very hard to find that kind of loyalty and love and affection in human beings.
Reverse petting zoo. You pet the animals, and they pet you back.
I love pet animals, but I don't have any.
Outside openings to attics, crawl spaces and similar locations should be sealed off so rats and squirrels cant get into houses, garages or other structures. Pet owners should make an extra effort to keep their domestic animals free of fleas and avoid leaving out pet food where it can attract wild animals.
I'm a disciplinarian. And I've always been disciplined. I like to be on time. If I have a job to do, I'm going to see it from its beginning to its conclusion. No excuses, no alibis. That's how I run my life. It's called self-tough love.
In the grand scheme of nature, I believe that it is very natural that animals eat animals, and that humans eat animals. It is only in the last couple of decades that meat-processing factories have come to rise, and I believe we should take time to reflect on that reality.
I love being a worship leader, but because I'm also a record company owner, a publishing company owner and a brand developer, I have an economic and a fiscal responsibility as well.
This principle applies to your family pet, for instance, which I believe are wonderful because they put you into a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that's a great state of love that's going to bring goodness into your life, what a gift that is.
Millions of animals are euthanized every year because shelters can't find homes for them. Buying animals from pet stores also tends to support puppy and cat mills, many of which have deplorable conditions for animals, which shouldn't be tolerated.
It's a tough job to be the owner in a rebuild, to be the GM, to be the coach. These are tough jobs.
My mother was the tough-as-nails disciplinarian who showed very little to no emotion. My father, on the other hand, was a study in contradiction. He was the fire, hell, and brimstone preacher, while also being incredibly gentle and forward thinking. I identify with him a lot.
I don't think there's anything that I would really baulk at doing on-screen. I don't think so. I've got certain pet peeves about writing... my pet peeve about reading scripts is when they give you a line reading and there'll be a line but next to your character's name it'll say 'very angry'. But I'm like: "Well, I'll decide that actually!" So, there's little things like that. That's a slight pet peeve.
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