A Quote by Jan Garbarek

I feel very strongly when there's no chance for me to find a key to a piece. — © Jan Garbarek
I feel very strongly when there's no chance for me to find a key to a piece.
I feel everything very strongly, and I find that when I sing through music, it helps me connect to people.
It's very, very rare to find five roles in one piece where we'd all jump at the chance to play any of them.
I like to think if something scares me, then there's a very good chance an audience will feel the same way. The key is creating scenarios that people can relate to.
You can feel very strongly that someone doesn't like you. I think any model who didn't have the same sort of upbringing as me would find that very difficult. But I absolutely knew I was entitled. I never thought I was ugly - it never crossed my mind.
I do, however, feel reasonably strongly the sense that the job of a piece of argumentative scholarly non-fiction is not the same as the job of a piece of fiction.
It's funny how that comes up, because sometimes I'll write something and I'll think, I don't know if that's a film or a play, and then other things I feel very strongly about them just being plays - they feel very theatrical to me.
In order to find balance, I feel very strongly about two things in particular in terms of routine. Work out, and eat well.
Fashion to me is very emotional. It's my strongest form of self-expression, and I love wearing a piece of clothing where I feel like I can run around at any moment and dance in it. So you know, I guess when I'm designing, I want the clothes to feel celebratory and feel very light and fun and feel like you could move seamlessly.
The key to willpower is "want-power". If U want something strongly enough, U will find the discipline necessary to do it.
When you're me, when you're R. Kelly, everybody wants a piece of you, and if you don't give 'em a piece they'll find a way to get a piece of you one way or the other.
I was strongly encouraged by a science teacher who took an interest in me and presented me with a key to the laboratory to allow me to work whenever I wanted.
When you feel so strongly about something and other people feel equally strongly, you have to feel stronger about it in order to succeed.
I feel very strongly that you can't just beat people up anymore; you have to work hand in hand and find ways to compromise, and get big business involved, because it won't happen otherwise.
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.
It's a lot of feelings, I think, when people so strongly associate an actor with a character they play - but the main feeling is I feel very happy that I've been able to play somebody that people connect so strongly to.
For me, challenging myself with this type of endeavor [ultramarathons] brings the best out in me because even at the darkest, deepest moments when I feel like I can't go on, when I feel like there's no chance I could break the record or much less finish the trail, somehow I find that strength inside of me.
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