A Quote by Jan Koum

Be simple and reliable — © Jan Koum
Be simple and reliable

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Russia will honour its international commitments. Our country is a reliable borrower, a reliable creditor and a reliable supplier. Sanctions come and go, but business ties, economic interests and the reputation of a state remain
When a young man, I read somewhere the following: God the Almighty said, 'All that is too complex is unnecessary, and it is simple that is needed.' So this has been my lifetime motto – I have been creating weapons to defend the borders of my fatherland, to be simple and reliable.
I'm a reliable witness, you're a reliable witness, practically all God's children are reliable witnesses in their own estimation--which makes it funny how such different ideas of the same affair get about.
Terrorists also want to use simple and reliable arms.
Where are reliable journalism and reliable investigative voices going to come from? I love the days of old - the Walter Cronkites, the Dan Rathers.
Science cannot progress without reliable and accurate measurement of what it is you are trying to study. The key is measurement, simple as that.
I have a simple plan to solve the economic crisis. Give every American a $100 credit to the dog track of their choice. I have found the puppies to be a reliable source of income with a consistent rate of return.
I'm actually an optimist about what lies ahead. Are wikis reliable? It depends on the specific business. Is Wikipedia reliable? You bet. Wikipedia is a researcher's dream.
This ability to have reliable sources of energy and a reliable transmission of energy here in North America is critical for both of us and for Mexico as we want to keep our economies growing.
The single most effective way to make a service as reliable as possible is to make it as simple as possible. Find the simplest solution that meets all the requirements.
Although computer chips now are thinner, they're more powerful, they're not as reliable. You'd harvest computer chips from the 1980s from all around the world because they're reliable.
Israel is our strongest, most reliable ally in the Middle East. Of course, we're their most reliable ally, too.
The sun is simple. A sword is simple. A storm is simple. Behind everything simple is a huge tail of complicated.
Right and wrong as moral principles do not change. They are applicable and reliable determinants whether the situations with which we deal are simple or complicated. There is always a right and wrong to every question which requires our solution.
Machines can do things cheaper and better. We're very used to that in banking, for example. ATM machines are better than tellers if you want a simple transaction. They're faster, they're less trouble, they're more reliable, so they put tellers out of work.
Some people have subject matter expertise in one thing. Some people tend to be creative but not reliable, and others are reliable but not creative. Everybody has different dimensions.
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