A Quote by Jane Fonda

I'm now the elder in the position of doling out wisdom and trying to mend fences. — © Jane Fonda
I'm now the elder in the position of doling out wisdom and trying to mend fences.
We all want to fix things. Just as we all believe that so much in life can be rectified. Mend fences, build bridges, reach out, engage in mutual healing.
Netanyahu must mend fences with Obama.
I enjoy mediation. I think the artist's position is often to mend the things we feel are broken. Whether that's between two cultures or two thoughts. We're always trying to reach, trying to expand something.
I enjoy meditation. I think the artist's position is often to mend the things we feel are broken. Whether that's between two cultures or two thoughts. We're always trying to reach, trying to expand something.
Now that I am sixty, I see why the idea of elder wisdom has passed from currency.
If they want to come out and watch me paint or dig potatoes or mend fences, I don't care. I don't do interviews not because I have anything to hide, but when you retire, the word has a meaning to me. It's a place in life, a part of the journey. You just don't quit work. You develop an attitude where you can do what you please.
Blessed are the powers that grant me magic. I promise to use their gift well. To help mend my world. To help mend all worlds. And should I forget to mend, Should I refuse to mend, Still I will remember To do no harm.
Since I'm not focusing on my speed as much now as I was heading into the combine, I'm really focusing on my position work, trying to perfect how I play the safety position. I've been doing a lot of backpedaling and drills that focus on turning my hips, which help me out on the football field.
You said we've got a new page. I figure I've got some say in what gets written on it. So I'm going to work on you. Last time around, you threw yourself at me.” “I did no such thing.” “Sure you did. But I can see I've got my work cut out for me this time. That's okay.” He skimmed his thumb over her knuckles before she jerked her hand free. “In fact, I think I'm going to enjoy it.” “I don't know why I waste my time trying to mend fences with you. You're as arrogant as you ever were.” “Just the way you like me, sweetheart.
As an elder I mistrust the wisdom of age.
There's a great deal of poetry in working out how things work, cutting bits of metal, trying to mend stuff.
Pouring out ideas is better for creativity than doling them out by the teaspoon.
We have been counseled to "seek . . . out of the best books words of wisdom." It is pointed out in Proverbs, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom." (Proverbs 4:7.) But in getting wisdom and getting knowledge, above all we should "get understanding." It is important to learn a profession, learn a trade. That applies not only to the young men, but it applies to you young women as well. You girls should place yourselves in a position to be self-supporting and independent in the event that tragedy or an emergency comes, for emergencies have come and will continue to come.
He that resolves to mend hereafter, resolves not to mend now.
I was trying my damnedest to lead a conventional life, for that was how I was brought up, and it was what my husband wanted of me. But one can't build little white picket fences to keep nightmares out.
Trying is not enough. We have to go out and set goals and measure definitive progress so that four years from now we are in a better position to add new voters to our base of support.
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