A Quote by Jane Jacobs

I am ambivalent about London because I am so ambivalent about England in general. — © Jane Jacobs
I am ambivalent about London because I am so ambivalent about England in general.
I think it's still difficult to write about motherhood and anxiety, that talking about not wanting to be a mother or feeling ambivalent about motherhood makes people uneasy. The ambivalent mother is certainly much more interesting.
'Macbeth,' I am ambivalent about. I don't like that play, in fact.
The relationship between stars and their fans is always ambivalent and often highly charged with contradictory and ambivalent emotions, of which the most powerful is need.
Throughout my life, I have grappled with my own identity, who I am. As a young child, I often felt ambivalent about myself, in fact, confused.
Throughout my life, I have grappled with my own identity, who I am. As a young child, I often felt ambivalent about myself; in fact, confused.
Regarding Wikileaks, I have profound ambivalent feelings about it. I am a firm believer in a strong intelligence service. There's a need for classified information.
I'm ambivalent about tech.
I've always been profoundly ambivalent about fame. I think it just eats the reality out of you and it can be intoxicating because I like some of it.
There is no shame is being ambivalent about almost everything in your life.
I have somewhat ambivalent feelings about the recognition of individuals when so much of this was a team effort.
The American public is somewhat ambivalent about what they expect out of thenational forest.
He used to sit on my lap. I was sort of ambivalent about that. He was surviving any way he could.
When asked at age 7 whether he had ambivalent feelings about girls. No, I hate 'em!
He [Tony Blair] was always ambivalent about the [Rupert] Murdoch papers. But he gave other papers the chance to believe it was just about 'The Independent.' And that was wrong.
There is some of the paradox of foreign policy polling. So on Iraq and Syria, the President is pretty much doing what Americans want, he's not very engaged, but they don't like the results, his polling numbers are going down. Americans may be ambivalent and disengaged with the world, they don't want a President who is ambivalent and disengaged with the world.
I'm not doubtful that I am doing what I should be doing - writing for theater - and that I'm doing it in a way no one else does it. Whether anyone else is paying attention or anyone else cares, I'm still ambivalent about that. It's still an open question.
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