A Quote by Jane McGonigal

Game design isn’t just a technological craft. It’s a twenty-first-century way of thinking and leading. — © Jane McGonigal
Game design isn’t just a technological craft. It’s a twenty-first-century way of thinking and leading.
The twentieth century was the bankruptcy of the social utopia; the twenty-first will be that of the technological one.
We are in the twentieth or the twenty-first century, but all the thinking, if you speak to one of those people keen on technology - you see that all their thinking is two centuries old. In cinema, you can show this.
It has become part of the accepted wisdom to say that the twentieth century was the century of physics and the twenty-first century will be the century of biology.
Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game. Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle.
Because the twentieth century was a century of violence, let us make the twenty-first a century of dialogue.
Rules of Play is an exhaustive, clear, cogent, and complete resource for understanding games and game design. Salen and Zimmerman describe an encyclopedia of game design issues, techniques, and attributes. In particular, they analyze the elements that can make a game experience richer, more interesting, more emotional, more meaningful, and, ultimately, more successful. It should be the first stop you make when learning about game design.
What’s next for technology and design? A lot less thinking about technology for technology’s sake, and a lot more thinking about design. Art humanizes technology and makes it understandable. Design is needed to make sense of information overload. It is why art and design will rise in importance during this century as we try to make sense of all the possibilities that digital technology now affords.
I could make Halo. It’s not that I couldn’t design that game. It’s just that I choose not to. One thing about my game design is that I never try to look for what people want and then try to make that game design. I always try to create new experiences that are fun to play.
Twenty-first century medicine must not be confined to a twentieth-century bureaucracy.
You can't understand Twenty-first-Century Politics with an Eighteenth-Century Brain.
Actually what is happening in the twenty-first century, this is the great century of migration, so we have people from all around the globe going all over the place, and they have to integrate into a society, that society that exists has to integrate with them. Both sides have to work at it. It's not a one-way thing.
exile ... might be the largest new state created by the twentieth century and the psychology of the twenty-first century.
I think the twenty-first century happened, basically. That this century started on 9/11. And basically, it's been a century of counter reaction to globalization and the meritocracy. And a good century for 72 nations have gotten more authoritarian. We've had Brexit. We have Le Pen rising in France. We've just got a lot of these types all around the world. And the people who are suffering from globalization and the meritocracy are saying, "No more. You know, we get a voice too."
Twenty-first century buildings support a 21st century education - because it is difficult to learn or to teach if you are shivering.
America's business problem is that it is entering the twenty-first century with companies designed during the nineteenth century to work well in the twentieth.
If we want to live freely and privately in the interconnected world of the twenty-first century - and surely we do - perhaps above all we need a revival of the small-town civility of the nineteenth century. Manners, not devices: sometimes it's just better not to ask, and better not to look.
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