A Quote by Janet Jackson

There are people that regardless of what it is, if it's something that's stressful, whatever it may be, they don't eat, they lose a lot of weight, a divorce, they get real thin. I'm the opposite.
I try to eat healthy for the most part. When I cut weight, I cut pretty much everything out. I don't have protein when I cut weight other than what I might get from something like chicken breast. So I don't eat any extra protein, just because I'm trying to get the weight off. That's the only real diet I have.
For me to lose weight or maintain my weight is all about my diet, because I can come here and work two-and-a-half hours twice a day and if I get off my diet and eat like I normally eat, which is bad, I will gain weight.
Normally after a game I want to eat something that I know is filling. Steak is one of my options for protein. For me, it's all about keeping my weight on. Because I'm more slender, I actually tend to lose weight during the season so I actually have to eat more so that I can keep the weight on.
Whatever the reason for any one individual's tendency to gain weight, the only way to lose the weight is to eat less and exercise more.
The way to lose weight is to eat less, so I ate a lot less for a month and lost a lot of weight pretty quickly.
Unfortunately, our sport has a weight limit, so every season, I have to lose weight. You just get tired of not eating the way you want to eat, so in the off-season, I'll binge and gain a few pounds and then have to lose them back.
But when you're grieving, when you're going through something difficult, you lose your appetite. You don't want to eat. People are also always commenting on your weight, while at the same time forcing you to eat, so it's very complicated.
I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to lose weight. It wasn't until I joined Weight Watchers that I was finally able to do it. I went to meetings and my son came with me. The best thing was that I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight. Slow and steady, I was getting my pre-pregnancy body back.
People do lose weight on an Atkins diet. The reason they lose weight is because of calorie reduction. If a person's caloric intake has not fallen, if they are really shoveling in the steak, they don't lose weight.
People think that you can save calories by eating fewer meals a day, but it works just the opposite: the fewer meals you eat, the more counterproductive it becomes to you being able to lose weight.
Sandy Bullock cast me in my first movie, 'All About Steve,' and I think I weighed 176, so that's just how I rock and roll. I'm just who I am, and if I lose weight, I lose weight. Goodness, I'm trying to be healthy, but if I've got to eat the cupcake, then just eat the cupcake.
I'm a real girl. I get it. I gain weight, I lose weight. My styles change.
Weight loss surgery isn't going to make you lose weight; it's a tool to help you lose weight. Half of it is the surgery, and half of it is you eating what you're supposed to eat and exercising.
Pregnancy isn't 'I can eat whatever I want,' because you have to remember you're going to be stuck with a lot of that weight afterwards that you need to try to get off.
MYOB - mind your own body. It's important because I don't happen to have the kind of body that we usually see on television and in films. I am plus-size. I have dark skin. And I am 100 percent beautiful. But I get a lot of flak - oh, you should lose weight. And now that I have lost weight - and I lost weight for health reasons - I get, you look good but don't lose too much weight because your face is starting to sink in.
Why not have a motivation beyond me to get to a healthy weight? Every actor does that. We're chameleons. We change; we grow as an actor. You lose weight, you gain weight, you change your hair or whatever.
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