A Quote by Janet Leigh

... we are the products of our past. ... a web of complexities. — © Janet Leigh
... we are the products of our past. ... a web of complexities.
How can our kids really understand the moral complexities of being alive if they are not allowed to engage in those complexities outdoors?
Nearly all web publications are driven by the display model, which is in turn driven by page views. But we all know the web is shifting, thanks to mobile devices and the walled gardens they erect. The new landscape of the web is far more complicated, and new products must emerge.
In the U.S., we are free to speak our minds and to spend money without being forced to reveal our identities - except when using the Web. Browsing the Web leaves digital tracks everywhere in the form of log files, and anyone who hosts a Web site can be easily traced.
Companies often visit my office, or invite me to theirs, to brief me on new products, Web sites, or software before they are released - usually a few weeks or days ahead of time. I don't review most of these products.
The complexities of adult life get in the way of the truth. The great philosophers have always been able to clear away the complexities and see simple distinctions - simple once they are stated, vastly difficult before. If we are to follow them we too must be childishly simple in our questions - and maturely wise in our replies.
Think of any news site on the web that sells subscriptions; AOL has four times as many people as the largest subscription service. We have people who pay to use our products and services, and they are heavily engaged in our content.
Yahoo is a global technology company that provides personalized products and services, including search, advertising, content, and communications in more than 45 languages in 60 countries. As a pioneer of the World Wide Web, we enjoy some of the longest-lasting customer relationships on the Web.
We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.
The most astonishing subset of the Deep Web is a collection of dark alleys called the Dark Web. The Dark Web is generally thought of as a collection of criminal elements intent on subverting the law, stealing our money, and possibly kidnapping our daughters.
There's a very long tail of all sorts of creative products - beyond our core web search, image search and advertising businesses - that are powered by deep learning.
I think we're proving ourselves as we go along. The past several months our strategy has been evolutionary - making maximum advantage of our client browser, as well as our enterprise software for people who want to build Web sites.
Pap Machinery uses LubeMate products to keep our truck fleet moving so we can provide timely service to our customers. LubeMate has proven they manufacture quality products that meet our daily demands. The LubeMate team at Valley Industries has provided excellent service and their products are an exceptional value.
Life inside successful Web startups - especially the really successful ones - can be nasty, brutish, and short. As companies grow exponentially, egos clash, investors jockey for control, and business complexities rapidly exceed the managerial abilities of the founders.
I think in most companies you're surrounded by the past. You may have a Web site or archives or a lobby that sort of shows off your work of the past. The future is not as tangible.
In my mind, there are too many copycat web products out there that are doing the same thing.
We’re keenly aware that when we develop and make something and bring it to market that it really does speak to a set of values. And what preoccupies us is that sense of care, and what our products will not speak to is a schedule, what our products will not speak to is trying to respond to some corporate or competitive agenda. We’re very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people.
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