A Quote by Jared Dudley

For me, personally, I try to deal on Twitter only in positive. — © Jared Dudley
For me, personally, I try to deal on Twitter only in positive.
I just got on Twitter because there was some MTV film blog that quoted me on something really innocuous that I supposedly said on Twitter before I was even on Twitter. So then I had to get on Twitter to say: 'This is me. I'm on Twitter. If there's somebody else saying that they're me on Twitter, they're not.'
I felt like if I said something positive on Twitter, it got no play. But if I said something negative on Twitter, it was a billion retweets and so that was giving me a Pavlovian response to be mean, and I don't want to be mean. We all have mean thoughts. They should not be broadcast on Twitter. You don't need to see mean things.
Love is easy! Kindness is easy. So I try on my Twitter page to acknowledge everyone that reaches out to me. I try to make my page - I can't control the rest of Twitter - but I try to make my page a safe place for people.
The only real connection I have with Indian fans is through Twitter, where I try to answer as many questions as I can, or if they write anything nice, I do try and let them know if - that I liked it. I do get a bunch of people from India tweeting to me.
I try and stay away from my comment section on Twitter. But for the most part, the response that I get usually is very positive - and so it's nice.
I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones.
As a human being I am personally saddened, as I have a great deal of respect for the large number of British colleagues I have worked with over the years. That is why I personally invested countless hours, days and nights, in negotiating a fair deal for the United Kingdom.
I search my name on Twitter because I don't want to miss the compliments, and I favorite the nice things people say about me so they know I saw it. People are more positive than they are negative, and I try not to harp on the negative.
Twitter is the only brand of social media that I have ever taken to at all. I like the feeling of having my perception of the world expanded daily, 24/7, by being able to monitor the reactions of 100-and-some people throughout the world that I personally follow so I have some sense of who they are. There has never really been anything like that before, at least in terms of the digestible 140-character bandwidth that Twitter is based on. I am able to wake up, open Twitter, and sort of glance across the psychic state of the planet.
I'm not a Twitter fan. I do it because I feel responsible to the two million people that follow me, but Twitter to me is just another thing I have do. And it's mostly a place for people to attack and abuse you. I don't really get much out of it, personally. I get hundreds of demands to answer the kind of medical questions that require three years of treatment to assess, yet people are furious when I don't solve their problems in 140 characters. It's really stunning.
Fox doesn't treat me any differently, and that's one thing I'm very lucky with - my network treats me like a woman, but they never make me feel like I don't fit in or anything like that, which is great. But within the industry, yeah. It's a double standard, but it's something that you have to deal with or try to make better; turn into a positive.
I have received some racist abuse, but you will never see me fighting back or being aggressive on Twitter. When I do reply, I try to be as kind as possible in order to change these people's opinions. If they look at me as a Muslim voice, and they are being negative and I am being aggressive back, that's only going to reinforce their opinion. So, there is a quite a weight of responsibility. I am constantly checking what I am saying and reigning in my anger. And, I never go on Twitter when I am drunk.
We all go through things in life, and it's just how you deal with it. Try to stay positive throughout the worst.
I try to look at things in a positive way. If someone says something negative to me, I'll just turn it around into a positive.
For me personally, I don't go onto Twitter or Facebook, my hubby helps me out because sometimes I'm concerned that I'll see something that will upset me, and I don't have a way to work it out with that person.
There are very funny people who aren't good at Twitter and people who are really good on Twitter where that's the best or the only thing they do. There are some people I know that don't write creatively outside of Twitter, but they're so good at Twitter.
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