A Quote by Jason Aldean

I didn't get into music to become famous and I didn't get into music to become rich either - I got into because I liked it. — © Jason Aldean
I didn't get into music to become famous and I didn't get into music to become rich either - I got into because I liked it.
People don't play music in New Orleans for the reasons they do in Nashville or L.A. - to become stars or to get rich - they play because they've got to. It's in the streets, in their family, in their blood.
I was about sixteen when I discovered that music could get you laid, so I got into music boy, didn't matter what you looked like either, you could be a geeky looking guy but if you played music, whoa, you'd get the girls.
Mostly, you become a writer not because you want to get rich or famous, but because you have to write; because there is something inside that must come out.
I don't really like approach music to become famous. I've actually consciously made the decision that I'm just going to do music because I love it.
I am definitely less and less interested in music made by people that exist today, people that are living. I just see them as part of the whole stupid process of the music business, desperate (even if they feign indifference) to get noticed, trying to "make it" in the stinking music business, to become "famous" etc, and it disgusts me.
It ain't this big I, little You. Music is to be shared. Music is not a hustle. [Hip hop's become] cultural stripmining [by the major labels]. Some people get into this music to make a killing but music is a way to make a living.
People shouldn't get into show business because they want to become stars or become rich; they should get into it because they can't help but put on a show.
I didn't learn music because I wanted to become famous or earn a lot of money. It was to follow my father's advice and learn as much as I could about music.
One bulls-eye and you're rich and famous. The rich get more famous and the famous get rich. You're the talk of the town....The sense of so much depending on success is very hard to ignore, perhaps impossible. It leads to disproportionate anxiety and disproportionate relief or disappointment.
There's a kind of a line between music and math, so I guess I got the music gene, thank goodness. But my mother wasn't too thrilled. She wanted me to go to university and get a degree or do something, and my father, he liked opera so he wasn't too thrilled either, because he wanted me to be an opera singer and I didn't have - as he said, I don't really have the strength to do that.
I am in that unique little club where I went into music because I love music, not because I wanted to be rich and famous.
One has to commit their life to music and not expect to get famous or rich doing it.
I learned a long time ago, if you want to keep your friends in show business, don't get famous. Because as soon as you get famous, a lot of the people you used to know, who didn't, become incredibly bitter and jealous. It's part of the territory.
Starting off in music, the purpose of it was not to become like well known on the street and be famous. You know, I didn't even think about that part of being famous. Famous for making records, yes, but famous face in a woman's magazine, I never thought of that. I didn't want that.
In this music industry, you'll find the differences with artists. You get some people who really love music... and you get people who do this because they want to have money or want to be famous.
We do this for the art, not the adulation. I'd rather our music get liked and we get ignored. I don't want to be adored for anything other than the music.
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