A Quote by Jason Kidd

Good teams beat you with speed. Great teams beat you with spacing and timing. — © Jason Kidd
Good teams beat you with speed. Great teams beat you with spacing and timing.
The Premier League is difficult. The small teams can beat the big teams.
Teams that play together beat those teams with superior players who play more as individuals.
I can tell you, those video guys are truly trained to see the spacing, the timing, how offenses progress, what are teams doing defensively.
You have a lot of great teams in the NBA. I watched San Antonio against Dallas, and they're two great teams, and there are great teams in the east, as well. So it takes time to gel, as we've all seen.
The Latin teams have this idea that they can't beat a good team in the same tournament twice.
I don't agree that there are big teams and small teams in the Premier League. There are just a lot of good teams.
Mediocre products with great sales teams always beat great products with mediocre sales teams.
The Canadian teams just have great training and great coaches and that's sort of why there's the expectation that they're going to win. But there's a lot of really good teams coming out of the European countries.
You don't beat football teams. You outrecruit them.
We've got teams and other countries have teams. Right now, we are going to their countries; we're finding the best athletes; we're bringing them to our team. We're training them, we're making them awesome, and sending them back to beat us. We've got to stop that.
Most teams have one All-Star, whether that guy made it this year or earlier in his career, and some teams have two All-Stars. What theyre showing is that a group of five guys that play together and play hard will always beat a team with two All-Stars and three average players.
Watching some heavyweights like Mike Tyson, he inspired me to work with my speed because he beat people with power, but most of the time, he beat people with speed.
The one thing that teams can't endure in the NFC any more is injuries. Good teams become bad teams just because they get spread thin with injuries.
Italian teams are difficult to beat even if they play away.
The bartenders are the regular band of Jack, and the heavenly drummer who looks up to the sky with blue eyes, with a beard, is wailing beer-caps of bottles and jamming on the cash register and everything is going to the beat - It's the beat generation, its béat, it's the beat to keep, it's the beat of the heart, it's being beat and down in the world and like oldtime lowdown.
It's going to be crazy. All eight teams here are good teams. Hopefully the atmosphere will be great because it's going to be great basketball.
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