A Quote by Jean Baptiste Massillon

Agreeable advice is seldom useful advice. — © Jean Baptiste Massillon
Agreeable advice is seldom useful advice.

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A poet is seldom hard up for advice. The worst part of it all is that sometimes the advice is coming from other poets, and they ought to know better.
Advice is not really very useful. People gave me terrible advice, and I guess I was just smart enough to ignore some of it.
There are as many forms of advice as there are colors of the rainbow. Remember that good advice can come from bad people and bad advice from good people. The important thing about advice is that it is simply that. Advice.
There's no such thing as advice to the lovelorn. If they took advice, they wouldn't be lovelorn. You see, advice and lovelorn don't go together. Because advice makes love sound like some sort of cognitive activity, but we know that it isn't. We all know that it's some sort of horrible chemical reaction over which we have absolutely no control. And that's why advice doesn't work.
Surround yourself with people that you know will take care of you. It's not so much a mistake advice - it's just advice advice.
. . . if you can tell the difference between good advice and bad advice, you don't need advice.
Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes. Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.
Advice, First Law of: The correct advice to give is the advice that is desired.
As far as advice goes, an ex-father in law of mine once gave me the best advice I ever heard. He said, "Take my advice and do what you want to." So with that, go on.
Advice is always awesome because it never makes any sense when you compare it all together. It always contradicts other advice. I love advice.
Many a man wins glory for prudence by seeking advice, then seeking advice as to what advice would be best to take, and finally following appetite.
Never take advice from anyone in a tie. They'll bankrupt you. Don't ask a general for advice on war, and don't ask a broker for advice on money.
Advice,' Doña Vorchenza chuckled. 'Advice. The years play a sort of alchemical trick, transmuting one's mutterings to a state of respectability. Give advice at forty and you're a nag. Give it at seventy and you're a sage.
I've never been good at giving advice. The only advice I ever gave people was to find something that you are passionate about. But I hate giving advice, because, who am I? I'm just a girl.
Advice is more agreeable in the mouth than in the ear.
To make advice agreeable, try paradox or rhyme.
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