A Quote by Jean de La Fontaine

Every newspaper editor owes tribute to the devil.
[Fr., Tout faiseur de journaux doit tribut au Malin.] — © Jean de La Fontaine
Every newspaper editor owes tribute to the devil. [Fr., Tout faiseur de journaux doit tribut au Malin.]
Every editor of newspapers pays tribute to the devil.
Deep down, everything boils down ("au fond tout se ramène", Fr.) to the following simple question; Do we really want justice and the realization in this world of higher principles, or else do we want to serve selfish, short-sighted (à courte vue", Fr.) interests, which, when all is said and done, are also prejudicial (or detrimental, or harmful) to those very same that pursue them?
Le mariage doit incessamment combattre un monstre qui de v ore tout: l'habitude. Marriage should always combat the monster that devours everything: habit.
Every journalist owes tribute to the evil one.
Tout notre raisonnement se re duit a' ce der au sentiment. All our reasoning comes down to surrendering to feeling.
A blue-stocking is the scourge of her husband, children, friends, servants, and every one. [Fr., Une femme bel-esprit est le fleau de son mari, de ses enfants, de ses amis, de ses valets, et tout le monde.]
I never have wit until I am below stairs. [Fr., Je n'ai jamais d'esprit qu'au bas de l'escalier.]
Education has a tremendous power on man. Can't we see to which astonishing disciple the people of Sparte have submitted ("s'est plié", Fr.) for centuries, and this with a view to very petty purposes: purely outer greatness, the military predominace of Sparte. This example proves that man can everything on themselves when they want it ("peuvent tout sur eux-mêmes quand ils le veulent", Fr.); therefore it would only be a question of making them will the good.
There is a period of life when we go back as we advance. [Fr., Il est un terme de la vie au-dela duquel en retrograde en avancant.]
Intelligence is to genius as the whole is in proportion to its part. [Fr., Entre esprit et talent il y a la proportion du tout a sa partie.]
Brave men are brave from the very first. [Fr., Les hommes valeureux le sont au premier coup.]
Every newspaper editor says the heart of the paper is the reporter - which is true - except for the pay!
Alas! we see that the small have always suffered for the follies of the great. [Fr., Helas! on voit que de tout temps Les Petits ont pati des sottises des grands.]
In a highly competitive newspaper market, every editor needs to appeal to female readers to boost their circulation.
Entre le ro" le de sauveur et celui de complice du bourreau,j'aper c° ois tout au plus l'incommode emploi de victime. Between the role of saviour and that of butcher's accomplice, all I see left for you is the unsavoury role of victim.
Show me a contented newspaper editor and I will show you a bad newspaper.
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