A Quote by Jean-Francois de La Harpe

We always weaken whatever we exaggerate. — © Jean-Francois de La Harpe
We always weaken whatever we exaggerate.
To exaggerate is to weaken.
We weaken what we exaggerate.
Some persons are exaggerators by temperament. They do not mean untruth, but their feelings are strong, and their imaginations vivid, so that their statements are largely discounted by those of calm judgment and cooler temperament. They do not realize that we always weaken what we exaggerate.
It's my job to find the cornel of truth and then exaggerate, exaggerate, exaggerate until it's of an appropriate scale.
People in life, when they have a tendency to exaggerate or lie or whatever, you always sort of notice that their voice goes up quite high.
The best advice I've ever heard about anything is this: Don't exaggerate! When you work hard, when you sleep long, when you love much, when you are very sad, always remember this advice: Don't exaggerate!
If a spectacle is going to be particularly imposing I prefer to see it through somebody else's eyes, because that man will always exaggerate. Then I can exaggerate his exaggeration, and my account of the thing will be the most impressive.
We don't have the capacity to exaggerate God's goodness. We can distort it, or even misrepresent it, but we can never exaggerate it.
You don't want to exaggerate any feature noticeably. I think only truly beautiful women can exaggerate and they usually don't have to.
Do not exaggerate to stay lonely! Do not exaggerate to stay in the crowds! Come and go, from one to another! Spend not long time in either of them!
I tend to basically exaggerate in life, and in writing, it's fine to exaggerate. I really enjoy overstating for the purpose of getting a laugh. For another thing, writing is easier than digging ditches. Well, actually, that's an exaggeration. It isn't.
Say whatever your memory suggests is true; but add nothing and exaggerate nothing.
If we take away any of the attributes of God, we do not weaken God but we weaken our concept of God.
I exaggerate all our selves, our beings. I make fun of everything: of our life and what we are. But I don't tell jokes, really. I just exaggerate life, and it comes out funny.
Progress will always have as its recourse to exaggerate what it cannot surpass.
I admit that when the facts are not good enough, I always exaggerate them.
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