A Quote by Jean Genet

Poetry is the break (or rather the meeting at the breaking point) between the visible and the invisible. — © Jean Genet
Poetry is the break (or rather the meeting at the breaking point) between the visible and the invisible.
Visible things can be invisible. However, our powers of thought grasp both the visible and the invisible – and I make use of painting to render thoughts visible.
A stage play ought to be the point of intersection between the visible and invisible worlds, or, in other words, the display, the manifestation of the hidden.
For me, the poetry in a work is that which makes visible the invisible.
According to Scripture, the invisible church includes everyone who has ever been genuinely born again for every age of church history. This church will not meet in a visible way until Christ returns. The visible church consists of believers who are alive and meeting together right now.
Italian is a very different poetic situation and there are these hard and fast rhythmic periods, settenari, ottonari of seven and eight syllables. These are fundamental to the way people speak and write and breaking them is more radical in Italian than when we break a line. I'm sure there are Italian poets who want to write poetry as prose and break these Petrarchan rules. And breaking them is fun and a valid thing to do. But I'm more interested in trying to write poetry that absorbs tradition and uses it in new ways, and doesn't throw it out.
When the boy begins to understand that the visible point is preceded by an invisible point, that the shortest distance between two points is conceived as a straight line before it is ever drawn with pencil and paper...the fountain of all thought has been opened to him...the philosopher can reveal him nothing new, as a geometrician he has discovered the basis of all thought.
What is important to me in my work is the identity that is hidden behind so-called reality. I search for a bridge from the given present tot the invisible, rather as a famous cabalist once said, 'If you wish to grasp the invisible, penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible'.
Man is a bridge between the two worlds - the visible and the invisible.
Mime makes the invisible, visible and the visible, invisible.
The shaman does not believe in a division between the body and the spirit or between the visible world of form and the invisible world of energy
I am the visible part of the invisible Christ. He is the invisible part of the visible me.
The visible and invisible worlds are inextricably intertwined... once you’ve opened your eyes to this, you can dance between them.
What knowledge is there of which man is capable that is not founded on the exterior,--the relation that exists between visible and invisible, the perceptible and the imperceptible?
Also, rights are not things that are given in the heavens. Rather, they are levers for political articulations, which enables what was previously invisible to become visible.
We are the bees of the invisible. We madly gather the honey of the visible to store it in the great golden hive of the invisible.
Vessels expose the invisible Zeitgeist, the visible formed by the invisible.
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