A Quote by Jean-Georges Vongerichten

I think food is getting lighter and healthier because people eat out so often. It's about quality ingredients because that is the root of good food. — © Jean-Georges Vongerichten
I think food is getting lighter and healthier because people eat out so often. It's about quality ingredients because that is the root of good food.
Getting kids into the kitchen preparing the food they and their families will eat results in them viewing food in an entirely new way. If given the right ingredients, that act alone can raise the standards of the quality of the food both they and their family eat.
Approximately 82% of the American people believe labeling should take place with regard to genetically engineered ingredients. All over this country people are increasingly concerned about the quality of the food they are ingesting and the food they are giving to their kids. People want to know what is in their food, and I believe that is a very reasonable request.
The traditional fast food model is built on buying the cheapest ingredients - and that usually means poor-quality, heavily processed foods. But you can use quality ingredients, cook food using classic cooking techniques, and still serve something that's fast and inexpensive.
Don't eat processed food, refined food but rather organic food from the earth - nothing with genetically - modified ingredients.
I think it's good to eat a bit of everything, but when you eat too much junk food, it's bad for you and for your brain. You don't understand why, but you feel sad. It's because of the junk food!
I spend so much money on food, just getting the food for me is a tremendous expense, so there's no way I could even think about paying for supplements. I think of all supplements as food derivative anyway, so If I can only choose between getting the food or the supplements I'd rather opt for the food.
I honestly never intended food to occupy so much of my creative work. Food-writing often seems about to plummet straight into sentimentality. I think food can be dangerous to write about because if you don't manage to mediate it somehow, it can be the worst sort of greeting card.
If people eat healthy food, they will save enough to compensate for the food price being healthier and spending less on healthcare.
It's taken a while, but I've finally grown up and got my head around the fact that the healthier the food you eat is and the more exercise you do, the lighter you'll be. It really is that simple.
I try to eat 'real' food as much as I can; often I'll shove a load of ingredients - spinach, an apple or whatever's knocking about - in my NutriBullet. Nothing beats a bit of buttery toast though! I think a little bit of what you fancy does you good.
I love African food, I love Italian food, but I rarely eat Italian out because it's so easy to make at home. On the other hand, unless you have specialized equipment, Chinese food is really tough because you literally can't get the pan hot enough.
I think as individuals, people overrate the virtues of local food. Most of the energy consumption in our food system is not caused by transportation. Sometimes local food is more energy efficient. But often it's not. The strongest case for locavorism is to eat less that's flown on planes, and not to worry about boats.
I do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good.
We need to realize that these industrial methods of farming have gotten us used to cheap food. The corollary of cheap food is low wages. What we need to do in an era when the price of food is going up is pay better wages. A living wage is an absolutely integral part of a modern food system, because you can't expect people to eat properly and eat in a sustainable way if you pay them nothing. In fact, it's cheap food that subsidized the exploitation of American workers for a very long time, and that's always been an aim of cheap food.
Often when we talk about food and food policy, it is thinking about hunger and food access through food pantries and food banks, all of which are extremely important.
I think there are two ways of eating, or cooking. One is restaurant food and one is home food. I believe that people have started making food that is easy that you want to eat at home. When you go out to a restaurant, you want to be challenged, you want to taste something new, you want to be excited. But when you eat at home, you want something that's delicious and comforting. I've always liked that kind of food - and frankly, that's also what I want to eat when I go out to restaurants, but maybe that's me.
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