A Quote by Jean Paul

It is easy to flatter; it is harder to praise. — © Jean Paul
It is easy to flatter; it is harder to praise.
It is easier and handier for men to flatter than to praise.
It is simpler and easier to flatter people than to praise them.
Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.
The praise we seek for our own virtues sometimes tempts us to flatter the imperfections of other men.
Bad habits are easy and discipline is hard-and “easy” is where people gravitate. A good work ethic requires a painstaking daily effort. Easy typically leads to a life long list of problems but the discipline of having a plan leads to an extraordinary rewarding life. In the long run, the easy way makes life harder and the harder way makes life easier.
The bards sing of love, they celebrate slaughter, they extol kings and flatter queens, but were I a poet I would write in praise of friendship.
Let me tell you how the French seduce you. They are the most bloody seductive people on Earth. They are charming, they are well-mannered and they praise and flatter you.
Living in Hollywood, it's easy to have someone flatter you. That doesn't help me.
My coaches have always been on my side, motivating me to try harder and harder every day, which is not easy.
It's easy to praise God in the good times, but what about when the storms of your flesh are a-brewin'? Not so easy then!
Let those flatter, who fear: it is not an American art. To give praise where it is not due, might be well from the venal, but would ill beseem those who are asserting the rights of human nature.
Everything Trump said and did was framed in a way to flatter him, and more importantly, flatter his worldview.
You must ingratiate yourself with those who can help you. Flatter them to their faces. Praise them to others who will carry your words back to them.
Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest.
A dog will flatter you but you have to flatter the cat.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
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