A Quote by Jean Pigozzi

The moment when I press the shutter is fantastic, orgasmic, so charged with the hope that this will be a great, original, interesting, and perfectly composed photo. But like any other exciting thing in life, it is usually spoiled by some ridiculous, unpredictable, and annoying detail.
When you look at a photo twenty years from now, if you look at a photo of a moment in your life, or some friends, or yourself, you just have a lot more information about what that memory was. That's exciting to me. It's like a form of time preservation, I suppose.
Every time we click the shutter, it's like a new day, a new chance to make a clean start, to be original. It's a very exciting and exhausting thing to do.
But to be perfectly frank, this childish idea that the author of a novel has some special insight into the characters in the novel ... it's ridiculous. That novel was composed of scratches on a page, dear. The characters inhabiting it have no life outside of those scratches. What happened to them? They all ceased to exist the moment the novel ended.
I had other interesting offers, but for me, it had to be a top club. When you look at Arsenal, with a fantastic manager, good environment, and never any bad press surrounding the club, they are playing attractive football and have a great stadium with great fans.
Sex was like a world so mysterious to me, I really couldn't believe there was this fantastic texture to life that I was getting to do...it has all these different levels, from lust and fearful, violent sex to the real spiritual thing at the other end. It's the key to some fantastic mystery of life.
I haven't done much press for many reasons, but mostly because it's not an interesting dialogue about work that's been done. It's turned into something else. It's become this ridiculous other thing.
I'm sure a lot of you had this experience when you're changing. You're growing as a person and people tend to treat you like you were 18 months ago, and it's really frustrating sometimes when you're growing up and you're more capable. It's the same thing with a company and the press. The press is going to have a lag time. The best thing we can do about the press is embrace them and do the best thing we can to educate them about our strategy. But to keep our eye on the prize, that is turning out some great products. the press and the stock prize will take care of themselves.
You can do what you will, but in any given moment of your life you can will only one definite thing and absolutely nothing other than that one thing.
'Press Your Luck' was probably the most exciting because of the unpredictability of the game and how I won on one of the three days on the very last spin against all odds. It was one of those great unpredictable game show moments.
It’s not when you press the shutter, but why you press the shutter.
What a moment to take the newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other and watch the unfolding of the great drama of the ages. This is an exciting and thrilling time to be alive. I would not want to live in any other period.
There are no limits to what I would do to make my classes exciting, interesting, unpredictable.
Life and death were so unpredictable. So close to each other. We existed moment to moment, never knowing who would be the next to leave this world.
the things that people are typically afraid of are what I find most exciting and unpredictable, and I guess that's part of the problem is people don't want something unpredictable wasting their time while the cameras are rolling, where to me that's by far the most interesting part.
There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.
I hope what's different for not only the channel 'It's Grace' 2014, but for the brand overall, is I hope to continue to expand into other areas of creative content and original content. We have 'Camp Takota' coming out on Valentine's Day - we're all so pumped for it! It's so exciting!
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