A Quote by Jeb Bush

Donald [Trump], you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. That's not going to happen. — © Jeb Bush
Donald [Trump], you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. That's not going to happen.
Donald Trump you're never going to be president of the United States by insulting your way to the presidency.
Donald Trump has said we're going to move immigrants out, people who've overstayed their visas. We're going to enforce the law of this country. We're going to strengthen Immigrations and Customs Enforcements with more resources and more personnel to be able to do that. And then Donald Trump has made it clear, once we've done all of those things, that we're going to reform the immigration system that we have.
I have pretty thick skin. I've been in the arena a long time, and that means that I am not going to get down with [Donald Trump] and go insult for insult.
Donald Trump's promised the moon. Now he has power. He's going to fail to deliver. He's not going to be able to bring a bunch of coal jobs back and a bunch of factory jobs back in this global economy. Period. Because you can't. It's not going to happen.
So when people say how horrible it is that Donald Trump is president, well, yeah, but we've faced a lot worse than this and our country went on to go from the world of 'Mad Men' to the world it is today, and that's what's going to happen now. That's what's going to happen in the next 50 years. We're going to be fine.
Donald Trump is either going to resign, he's going to be removed from office by impeachment, or I'm going to beat him in 2020. But one way or the other, he's not going to serve a second term.
Do not overlook that Donald Trump is an inherently unstable person. He's never been able to have stable businesses or stable marriages. It is then wholly predictable that Donald Trump would be unable to have a stable presidency.
He [Donald Trump]wants to build the wall. It would be silly to say we`re going to - we`re going to create an army and we`re going to have Mexico pay for our border patrol, our border police. Clearly, that`s not going to happen.
If Donald Trump is our nominee, it could be the end of the Republican Party. It will split us and splinter us in a way that we may never be able to recover. And the Democrats will be joyful about it. It's not going to happen.
There's nothing effective against Trump. Trump is Trump. Trump is going to lie. Trump is going to act the way he's acting. No amount of reason, no amount of criticism, no amount of anything is going to work to change Trump's behavior. Putin is exactly the same way.
Chris Christie was going to save the party from a figure like [Donald] Trump. He was going to save the party. That didn`t happen. And now, he`s with Trump.
There's an obsession by the media to delegitimize Donald Trump, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We're going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday.
I do not believe the United States and the Americans are going to let Donald Trump become president... I think the challenge is Donald Trump, with his anti-China rhetoric and with his anti-trade rhetoric, is going to make the job for all of us more difficult going forward.
Some have said, 'Gosh, Donald Trump is going to hurt you.' Some have said, 'Gosh Donald Trump is going to help you.' He may be helpful in certain parts of Ohio, but I'm going to run my own campaign.
Once Donald Trump announced that Betsy DeVos was going to be his Education Secretary - a few months before I finished the manuscript - I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. He was going to overturn as much of what Barack Obama did, and the attendant social progress, as he could.
When [Vladimir] Putin goes out and tells everybody - and you talk about a relationship, but he says Donald Trump is going to win and Donald Trump is a genius, and then I have people saying you should disavow. I said, I'm going to disavow that?
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