A Quote by Jeb Hensarling

The easiest thing that is done, unfortunately, in Washington is to spend money today and send the bill to our children and grandchildren. — © Jeb Hensarling
The easiest thing that is done, unfortunately, in Washington is to spend money today and send the bill to our children and grandchildren.
At home, I have a wife, fortunately, and my children are all grown, and I have many grandchildren. I spend weekends with my grandchildren; I adore them.
I have said that control of arms is a mission that we undertake particularly for our children and our grandchildren and that they have no lobby in Washington.
The thing my father was proudest of was the Ayres clock at the intersection of Washington Street and Meridian. That made him so happy. Ayres complained because he wouldn't send them a bill. There was stuff my family had done there - particularly my father and grandfather - that was quite permanent and wonderful.
If we don't change the way Washington operates we're going to bankrupt our children and grandchildren.
Raising taxes doesn't create jobs, and this is a common sense thing. Washington doesn't get it. They believe if they take more money and send it to Washington, D.C. somehow they create wealth. It doesn't work.
What about our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren? Do we not want them to live healthy and happy lives?
Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
Even if her children or grandchildren are willing to spend their own money to keep grandma alive, when bureaucrats control the necessary technology or medication they may decide that it is not for sale.
My husband and I, when we had our five children and they were grown, we thought we were entitled to grandchildren. And so we were just expecting this to happen; of course, nothing was happening. And then we kept begging, bribing, cajoling, anything - threatening to adopt our own grandchildren - and finally, we got some grandchildren.
We have been through a period where we see power leaching away from Washington. Who is more important in the world today: Bill Clinton or Bill Gates? I don't know.
The fabric of North Carolina and what makes our state so special is our families and our common desire for a brighter future for our children. No matter what your family looks like, we all want the same thing for our families - happiness, health, prosperity, a bright future for our children and grandchildren.
I don't intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.
I learned and it was exactly what I needed [Transcendental Meditation]. The thing that blew me away was that it was the easiest thing I've ever done- not the easiest meditation, but the easiest thing I've ever learned. I learn a lot of things- that's my job! It's so simple to learn, so simple to practice. And the restoration that comes to you, the benefit across your life; it's changed everything.
It is up to us, to this present generation of Americans, to take a stand for freedom, to send a message to Washington that we're taking our future back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, who would spend our treasure, who downgrade our future and micro-manage our lives.
If we don't send people to Washington who, first of all, have done something more than talk for a living - which is what many politicians have done - nothing gets done.
We are the ancestors of our grandchildren's children. We look after them, just as our ancestors look after us. We aren't here for ourselves. We are here for each other and for the children of our grandchildren.
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