A Quote by Jef Mallett

If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough. — © Jef Mallett
If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough.
Time flies when you're having fun, and I've been having fun for the last thirty years. Reflecting on the upcoming 30th anniversary of Apollo 11.
Time flies. Time flies faster every year. Time flies whether you're having fun or not, whether you're living your life big or small, whether you surround yourself with fear or laughter.
Time flies when you are having fun.
Time flies whether you are having fun or not.
I'm into having a good time and showing people you can have fun. Because for a long time, the West Coast, it wasn't about having fun. It was about gang banging; it just wasn't fun no more. So now I'm bringing fun back.
Never underestimate the importance of having fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day because there's no other way to play it.
When we go out there, we have fun, but we get to work, and I think we're at our best when we're having fun. Having fun is key.
I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
I really love sharing my gift with others. At the same time, I'm just a normal kid having fun and that's what life is all about-having fun at the same time as helping people.
I think I'll work all my life. When you're having fun, why stop having fun?
I want people to know that I am having fun. That's the biggest compliment I can get is when people tell me I'm having a blast out there - if they only knew. I'm having the time of my life every night.
I think, back in the '80s when I was having hits all the time, I took it for granted.
I don't think I'm old enough or experienced enough to give anyone any guidance. All I would like say is that as long as you're having fun, I think you're doing the right thing.
It's hard to give tips to skiers if I don't know how they ski, but I think the most important thing in skiing is you have to be having fun. If you're having fun, then everything else will come easy to you.
I don't know how to not have fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun, and I'm going to keep having fun every day I've got left.
Actually I am having so much fun, it has been the most fun time now that it has been announced and I don't have to, you know, it was really difficult to conceal, but now that I can be proud and excited about it I'm having so much fun shopping - it's great.
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