A Quote by Jeff Fahey

I have an affinity for good roles in good films. I like a variety of parts, and if some of the good stuff happens to be in fantasy and horror, I do them. — © Jeff Fahey
I have an affinity for good roles in good films. I like a variety of parts, and if some of the good stuff happens to be in fantasy and horror, I do them.
I do like sci-fi, and I do like horror - those are my favorite genres. Good horror, though, not like slasher horror... psychological horror like 'The Shining' - really good stuff!
For the last 30 years our cinemas have been ruled by science fiction and horror. We've had some very good Fantasy films in that time period, but for my tastes I still haven't seen fantasy done to absolute perfection. That is the hope I have in this project.
It's also a question of finding good material and interesting roles. I'm not the only actress out there, and good parts just don't fall into your lap that easily. But I like most of the films I've made recently and so I'm pretty positive about the future.
I've always wanted to do a horror film. I don't know if my agent will be happy I said that when I get sent some crap horror films, but I'd like to do a good one, like 'It Follows,' or 'The Babadook.'
Horror films are the ones that pay the bills, and historically, they have shown that they are good investments. They helped Universal survive with that initial splash of horror films in the 1930s and '40s. And horror films kept New Line alive with the 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' series.
If I get good films, I would definitely do them. But most of the stuff that I get is not good at all. They were not good scripts.
When there's a great horror movie, people are like, 'Horror's back!' And when there's a series of not so good ones, 'Horror's dead.' I think it's all about the quality. When there are one or two good horror movies in a row, people come out interested again.
I've been fortunate in that the films I've worked on in the horror genre are themselves not pure horror, and have allowed me to write in a wide variety of styles. Those scores contain elements of fantasy, drama, action, comedy... really all types of scoring, and that gives the horror moments more impact. As for scoring the horror moments, I do like approaching the music from the psychological aspect, scoring to the characters' thoughts, emotions, motivations and such.
The genre of romance is perhaps the closest to my heart and I like the whole idea of feel good, look good roles and films that have a positive vibe.
In my early days, I didn't know what a good film or a bad film was, and I was trying to make some money. As it happens I was lucky. I made some good films.
Obviously, artists need to make money and stuff like that, but if you do something good or if you make good art or make good stuff, the wealth will find you in some way.
I purposefully try to make films in that grey area, where things are morally ambiguous. It's like life: good people do horrible things, and bad people do good things, and there's beauty in horror and horror in beauty.
The Sixth Sense is not a good white film. Insomnia is not a good white film. They're just good films. So why we can't we have good films that happen to have black people, or Asian, or Latino, or any other minority group in them?
Actors always have to fight for the good parts. There are so few good roles written for women each year, and when one is written like this every actress in town covets the role.
My recommendation for SEO is very simple. It's Write Good Stuff. In my mind, Google is in the business of finding good stuff. It has thousands of the smartest people in the world, spending billions of dollars to find the good stuff. All you have to do is write the good stuff; you don't need to trick it.
My wife and I are connoisseurs of films but in opposite directions. She's a connoisseur of really good, classy foreign films. I'm a connoisseur of really bad, cheesy horror movies - so-bad-it's-good horror movies.
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