A Quote by Jeff Green

Everybody has their opinions of what Jeff Green should be or what I can do, but I have to go out there and prove it to myself that I work hard and I put in the work to be in the position I'm in.
I want to prove to myself and everybody else how good I can be, and I'm willing to work as hard as I need to to achieve that goal.
The cruelty of nature is you have to work out harder when you get older ... It should be the other way around: Work out hard when you're a kid you should be able to coast when you get older. But unfortunately you have to do more to stay in the same position.
I wasn't a rebel. It kind of clicked in my head, like, if I want to do this, I can go out and do it. Some kids, it clicks for them, and it doesn't work out. But thank God for me it did work out. I put in all those hard hours of work, and it has gotten me to where I am.
Nothing can substitute for just plain hard work. I had to put in the time to get back. And it was a grind. It meant training and sweating every day. But I was completely committed to working out to prove to myself that I still could do it.
Everybody that wants to work out wants to feel good and look better, but I think one of the biggest problems people have is they don't want to work out with a personal trainer, someone like myself, or even a couple of buddies, because they think, 'Gosh, if I work out too hard, I'm not going to be able to get up the next day!'
I want to be remembered as the greatest quarterback who ever played. You have to go out and prove it first, and then you have to go out and work hard.
To green our country, regular people will have to put on hard hats and work boots, roll up their sleeves - and get to work.
I'm just a firm believer that you work hard, you put in the work, you continuously go out there and show what you're capable of doing.
You have to work from one point to go to another. So I admire work ethic, I think it should be reinforced through our neighborhoods, that everybody should work hard, practice makes perfect, you have to be diligent with what you want, you have to apply yourself, you have to motivate your self. You have to do for self by yourself, and then you can do things for other people. That's what I had to do, I had to do for self.
You should just go, go to work, work hard, be a perfectionist, be a workhorse. If you work 10 years straight, you'll be comfortable and set for life. That is a fact.
Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it'll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.
I go into any movie that's historical fiction thinking, 'OK, I'm here to watch a work of art, something delivering a series of opinions, and if it's a good work of art, these opinions become so deeply embedded in complexity and richness that I won't even be bothered by the opinions. I'll make my own mind up.'
The main thing is to work hard. When you work hard, you'll be in the team. It's as simple as that. And that's what I'm going to do, put my head down, work hard, and see where it takes me.
When you're a young coach you just want to work hard and prove to everybody that you're smart.
I think I put myself in a position where I have all kinds of opportunities available to me, if God forbid something doesn't work out, at least I have other options.
It will be hard work. It's always hard work, and hard work from everybody within the team - technical director, mechanics, drivers, engineers - everyone in the team.
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