A Quote by Jeff Sessions

[Donald] Trump is going to appeal better to African Americans, Hispanics, and others than previous Republican candidates because he's talking about what they want: a fair chance to have a better life economically.
I was a Republican before Donald Trump was a Republican. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was a Democrat. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was an independent. And I'm going to be a Republican when Donald Trump gets tired of being a Republican.
All I want to say is that anybody, well, from the Democratic side of the fence who thinks that - who's terrified of the possibility of President [Donald] Trump better vote, better get active, better get involved, because this man has got some momentum and we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the Republican ticket.
Here you have the Republican Party, and they had, what, 16, 15 candidates seek the Republican nomination? And Donald Trump won it. And they have been enraged actually since day one when Trump announced, and his statement did not result in a Trump implosion, and then future Trump statements and appearances did not result in a Trump implosion. But the candidates that the Republican Party...They thought they had the best presidential field ever, and they hated and resented Trump for that.
We need a broader party. If we're not doing better with millennials and women and Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans and others, we will have a tough time being a majority party at the national level.
The two majority candidates right now, the Democratic and Republican candidates,[Donald] Trump and [Hillary] Clinton, are the most disliked and untrusted Presidential candidates in our history with more than majority disapproval.
I believe Donald Trump would be better for America than Barack Obama, because he understands business. Donald Trump has taken a pro- life position. He believes that we're getting shanghaied by China.
I want to be fair here. If we're going to be talking about transparency and disclosure, Donald Trump has not released a single piece of serious information about his health.
There was a whole set of issues that the other Republican candidates couldn`t go after Trump that hard on. They had this difficult position where they were trying to knock Trump down while appealing to the voters who liked a lot of the outrageous things about Donald Trump.[Hillary] Clinton is giong to have no such restrictions. She`s going to attack him on a wide variety of fronts and I don`t think Trump is going to deal very well with being attacked in that way.
Talking about jobs, and people - I don`t care if you`re a Democrat or Republican, they want jobs. And Sanders is talking about it and [Donald]Trump is talking about it and bringing jobs back and making our country great again.
We decided a number of years ago we could do a better job at diversity. It was going to be one of the growth areas available to us. There are a variety of initiatives to create more awareness with African-Americans and Hispanics and anyone else.
Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future. She's going to do nothing for African-Americans. She's going to do nothing for the Hispanics.
Americans across the country are expressing their belief that the best chance for a better life in our country is with continued Republican control of the House, Senate, and the White House under President Trump.
I, for one, can't wait for this election to be over, because the curse of Donald Trump in a satirical comedy way is that, one, he's such a large character; it's hard to satirize at times. Two, he's sucking all the air out of every room he walks into so every attempt leads to covering only him. You can't turn a corner in New York City without people talking about Donald Trump, without talking about the same things about Donald Trump.
We offer a better way for dealing with persistent poverty in this country. A way that shows poor Americans the world beyond liberal ware housing and check-writing into the life everyone can find with opportunity and independence. The happiness of using your gifts and the dignity of having a job. And you know what? None of this will happen under Hillary Clinton. Only with Donald Trump and Mike Pence do we have a chance at a better way.
I have serious challenges with Donald Trump and his messaging that is going to make it more difficult for us to bring in minorities, Hispanics, into the party and into our voting base in November. I would be concerned about him carrying the banner for the Republican Party.
I'm not a political pundit, and I don't follow these things probably as closely as others, but there are polls that have shown that Senator Bernie Sanders can beat Donald Trump and, I believe, some of the other Republican candidates as well.
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