A Quote by Jeff Van Drew

It is time to get rid of the harmful and dangerous practice of offshore drilling once and for all. — © Jeff Van Drew
It is time to get rid of the harmful and dangerous practice of offshore drilling once and for all.
Offshore drilling is not the answer, it is not going to get us anything.
The worst thing we can do as a nation is taking the easy way out. If you start opening up offshore drilling, then you are buying time and you are not addressing the fundamental problem with fossil fuels.
Knowledge is dangerous. Once you know something, you can't get rid of it. You have to carry it. Always.
Do not tell me that we're not drilling. We're drilling all over this country. I mean, I guess there's some - there are a few spots where we're not drilling. We're not drilling in the national mall. We're not drilling at your house. I guess we could try to have like, you know, 200 oil rigs in the middle of Chesapeake Bay.
At the start of my career, I fought to prevent offshore drilling along the Atlantic Coast.
The drilling idea is spherically senseless - it's senseless from whatever point of view you look at it. It'd take 10 years to bring any oil online, and it would probably go to Japan. It sure wouldn't help gasoline prices here. All the economists say gasoline is still too cheap in the United States anyway. So here we're having this huge debate over offshore drilling that is just straightforward nonsense, which won't surprise you.
Gas prices in many parts of the country are nearing $4 a gallon; it could get even worse as unrest spreads throughout the oil-exporting Middle East. Yet the Obama administration once again seems to see no crisis. It has curtailed new leases for offshore oil exploration for seven years and exempted thousands of acres in the West from new drilling. It will not reconsider opening up small areas of Alaska with known large oil reserves.
Barack Obama now says he is open to offshore oil drilling. So, apparently, when he promised change, he was talking about his mind.
In Louisiana, we are very familiar with the potential risks associated with offshore drilling and we have not forgotten the lessons learned from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon tragedy.
I strongly support the construction of the Keystone Pipeline and favor expanding offshore drilling to make our nation less dependent on foreign oil.
Offshore drilling is not the solution to U.S. energy independence, and I am against opening parts of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans to oil and natural gas production.
Scientists have suggested that some whale deaths could be a result of marine noise, often a result of military activity, offshore drilling or exploration, which can disorient the animals and send them in the wrong direction, possibly toward beaches where they get stuck instead of into the deeper ocean.
The United States is deeply concerned by Turkey's announced intentions to begin offshore drilling operations in an area claimed by the Republic of Cyprus as its Exclusive Economic Zone.
Lindsey Graham has wavered on this, but I won't: We need to ban offshore drilling. A spill off our beaches would destroy jobs and harm the coastal environment that makes South Carolina beautiful.
There is a growing subculture of barefoot runners, people who got rid of their shoes. And what they have found uniformly is you get rid of the shoes, you get rid of the stress, you get rid of the injuries and the ailments.
I am committed to working with industry leaders, environmental advocates, and the people of Louisiana on a robust plan that provides much needed protection for our coast and environment and that meets the needs of offshore drilling.
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